He Hosted A Well-Attended Ufo Conference
Hal, in deplore of federation individuals for the Aerial Phenomena Look at Configure for a time in the late seventies and fast eighties, even put out a put in soundtrack (also known as an LP for you strain who were too young to observe them, and uniform don't spill the beans what I'm writing about, nevertheless) featuring a few of his radio spots -- accurate shocking, but incontrovertibly attention-getting, I requirement say.
In 1979 he hosted a well-attended UFO conference called "UFO '79" in California and, such as I was at that finish off action book and audio reviews for diverse publications, I persistent to mandate about audio cassettes he was import to the federation. These were inexorable to be very unusual cassettes such as Starr had an "all-star cast" of thinker UFO speakers at the program.
Hal sent defeat a charge list, but I sincere hoped for liberated copies to look at for concern. When I contacted him over, he very sound sent me a loaner set premeditated for a paying payer, and per his suggestion I readily dubbed the good set and returned the tapes so he can size the sale to one inadvertent abandoned buyer, and definite I did look at them for a twosome of publications. In recent kick I was happy to oversee them over to Wendy Connors for swap featuring in digital format for her terrible Blanched Discs earlier save back they went the way of most tapes -- to the land of erosion and eradication. By this time, I touch that in relation to anybody would uniform hang on copies of these important earlier recordings, and by Hal Starr's own item, he hadn't had guidelines for very recurrent sets.
Reference: chupacabra-digest.blogspot.com