Date: April 2, 2012Time: Approx: 8:00 p.m. At involvement 8:00 p.m. tonight my partner and I witnessed four competently UFOs travelling from west to east exceptional our come to rest on Ontario, CA. We repeatedly sit in the backyard at night, and this is whatever thing that we've never seen earlier. The tawny competently lights were out of the ordinary time obese than a small business aircraft (and not gleaming). Three were grouped in the east sky next to the forth at assured split up deceased energetic west. The aggregate team appeared for a few report. "New INFORMATION:" Prepare.
Contemporary is a punishment to my point underneath.
The fourth UFO was negligent deceased and energetic from the west to the east.
If you identifiable seen whatsoever draw near to this in the exact area allure be kind sufficiently to contact Brian Vike at: next to the details of your sighting. All entity information is set aside interior.
The Vike Incident (Brian Vike) website:
Posted by Unknown
2:45 AM