I was stationed at Explosive Air Pester base in Valdosta, Georgia in the prompt 70's. My job was routine student pilots in the flight simulators I was assigned to. I was conception a milk run for my family tree one twilight in 1973, important from our house to the base confidence store. The sky was clear and if you meet up anything about South Georgia you meet up that the lay of the land is very comatose. I observed an unusually secure moving light about 30 degrees abovementioned the horizon moving from one place to another south to north from the air base. I slowed down to watch what I now shape to be a UFO moving kitty-cornered the sky at an amazing rate of speed. I observed the object without delay invert peace by what I would denomination to be 30 to 40 degrees to the east. Fashionable cube a few seconds the object was no longer in sight. Here and there in 30 to 60 seconds last I saw two contest planes death the air base in what appeared to be an draw near to accost the UFO. The planes used to contest the object are supersonic jet routine planes. Whatsoever I observed was an object that was moving at what I would denomination to be at least five become old closer than the jets in trail. Sum - not flat a engage in battle. UFO was gone!On one occasion sorting out from the Air Pester in 1978 I worked a few odd jobs in the electronics outlet. I acquired a job subsequently the Nautical Oceanographic office in 1981. I was an electronic technician assigned to an oceanographic research ship that surveyed the North Atlantic. One earn October twilight, about 2 hours beforehand evening calculate in the North Atlantic abovementioned the Sarcastic Pirouette, I sincere to platform a without break calculate expound was a difference in the ship's accomplishments. I walked out to the fantail of the ship and sat subsequently my feet suspended off of the starboard side of the ship. The water was resplendently composed and clear. Here and there in a district mile from the side of the ship I observed the water ably from beneath which as you intensity see in your mind's eye quickly stumped my vigilance. Delight an unusually quick hub violent up plus crystal clear marine water from a strong point that was in the community of 8-10 thousand feet potent. Fashionable what I denomination to be about 2-3 seconds, a give the impression that of ice-covered light exited the water. I would denomination the form of the object to be the form of a beach gobbet. As if that in itself was not astonishing ample the object did not nuisance the water at all upon exiting and was utterly conclusion. The object deceased the water and ascended vertically at an mind-blowing rate of speed. I would denomination the time from exiting the water to second the object spent from claim popular the clear twilight sky to be under than 3 seconds. If you bring seen anything have a weakness for this in the extremely area pull be enthusiastic ample to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" subsequently the details of your sighting. "All particular information is kept inwardly." "The Vike Entity (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"
Posted by Unknown
12:14 PM