UFO'S AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFAREWerner Von Braun with 33rd Degree Mason and Mind Control Expert Walt Disney"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". - Arthur C. ClarkeThe first documented terrestrial flying disc technology was developed by the Germans in their Secret Weapons program during World War 11. With their captured discs, and combining the efforts of Marconi, Tesla, Townshend-Brown and others, the Americans further developed the flying disc anti-gravity technology. 1946 was the year of the faked"Roswell" incident and other sightings of flying saucers. The UFO movement is largely an Illuminati Psychological Warfare program designed to make people believe in a possible threat from "out there" that would unify the world or to unify us with the humanity-saving 'space brothers'. It serves to conceal the magical technology under the guise of 'aliens'. Flying Saucers also serve as a Psywar weapon to usher in a New Age Religion and Superstate. 'Abductees' are either con artists, people with vivid imaginations, and most have been subject to sophisticated CIA chemical and hypnotic mind control techniques reinforced with spaceship props and alien costumes. Some abductees are implanted with bio-telemetric devices that control their thoughts and behavior. No 'abductees' had been implanted until the 1970's when this technology was developed. These people's testimonies provide the public with 'undeniable physical proof' of aliens. Most sightings, films, photographs, and 'encounters' can be easily explained as hoaxes, weather balloons, Venus, conventional and non conventional aircraft and electomagnetic and ionic phenomena in our atmosphere. Others are not so easily explained.The concept of alien "Gods" would conveniently explain a lot of things like: - why it took man one million years to figure out how to chisel rocks, a half million more figuring out metals and agriculture but only a few thousand years before landing a probe on Mars. Something happened over a very short period of our history as a species that gave us an extraordinary leap in our mental and technological abilities.- how ancient cultures had advanced scientific and astronomical knowledge that is still beyond our understanding.- how massive mathemeatically precise stone structures were built all over the world in places high in the mountains with little oxygen, on cliffs, deep under the ocean etc. many with perfectly places blocks weighing hundreds of tons.- why the major ancient cultures have no signs of evolving their technology - they started out with it and it was lost.- why virtually every ancient culture claims to have had contact with "Gods" from "the heavens" who gave them their knowlege and technology.- why the Bible in Genesis 6 (Genes of Isis) says "The Sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and they married any of them they chose. The Nefilim were on the earth in those days - and also afterward - when the Sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown" and "Let us make man in OUR image".- why humans are "bad animals" who destroy their own kind - the alien DNA is the source of the cold hearted killing and the Elite are the ones with the most alien DNA - the descenents of the hybrid human/alien Nefilim (Serpent People), the "men of renown" who worship their alien masters. This is why they guard their bloodline so zealously. By the way, they did'nt look like serpents. Serpent refers to the DNA strand you see in many ancient drawings and the Gods who had control over it. As the Bible says they look like us.This is all speculation, theory of course.The UFO fanatics are embarrassing however. Disillusionment with traditional religion and materialism the UFO phenomenon provides a religious framework of 'saviours from outer space".Jung said UFO's and 'encounters' are merely expressions of universal archetypes that exist in the unconscious. Most occur when people are 'dozing off' to sleep, the alpha state of deep hypnosis where dreams and images seem strikingly real. These space age archetypes are not the flying dragons, elves and goblins of yore, but, as can be expected, they are little green men in spaceships. Most people would agree that space-travelling aliens, being extraordinarily intelligent, would probably have large eyes, large heads and small bodies and peoples' unconscious minds project them as such. Holly Wood movies and telesion shows plant and reinforce these archetypes.The masses are being psychologically prepared through a bombardment of alien themed movies, television shows, books and the voice of 'experts' to condition the public to accept the contingency plan to bring about the New World Order that would unify the world against an alien threat a la' War of The Worlds' or unify man with his 'space brothers' from 'out there' using sophisticated technology, propaganda and psychological warfare.Perhaps some kind of "alien" is being created in a lab somewhere to be presented to the world as the real thing?
Posted by Unknown
3:08 PM