Name: ASighting Location: Edinburgh, The Meadows Sighting Time line-height: 19px;">Sighting Details: Daylight hours, looking up across and towards tollcross over the putting green as I walked past Marchmont across the meadows I saw a bright rectangle of light gliding slowly across the sky, it must have been very close or pretty big in size, it was so bright I saw it in the daylight, a rectangle made of two squares that shone with a yellow bright golden light (continuous not flashing and definitely not a plane). It appeared to be over the big church spire from where I was standing but I don't know exactly. I kept looking but no one else seemed to notice. It was surreal. If anyone else has seen this or seen a simiolar shape UFO (I cannot find an example in the typical ufo shape pictures) I would love to know.
Posted by Unknown
7:06 AM