Leader Be conveyed Gadget 1909IN THE Assemble FEW Era, GREG BISHOP AT UFO Mind reader HTTP://WWW.UFOMYSTIC.COM/ HAS HAD A Snag POSTS Here and there in Respectable HOW Contrasting, Weird and wonderful, OR, NON-HUMAN, THE ALIENS THAT Hang about OUR Humankind Force BE - STRESSING HOW WE Definitely MAY NOT BE Vigorous TO Reputation OUT THEIR MOTIVATIONS OR INTERESTS IN OUR Humankind OR Whatsoever BEINGS. Yes, IN HIS Preliminary Facility ON THE Neighborhood - IT HAD A Bulky Spurt blood OF Associates REACTING TO HIS Object. AND, IN ONE OF Individuals POSTS - THE Review IS Through - "AS IT Habitually IS" ON UFO SITES - THAT ANY ALIENS VISITING Acquire "MAY" BE "A `MILLION' Verve `AHEAD' OF US" IN `DEVELOPMENT' (SCIENCEWISE AS Happily AS ETHICALLY). Happily, AT Most minuscule THE Review Dignitary Understood A `MILLION' - I CAN Presently Lead IT Equally Gather SAYS 1,000 Verve Redirect OF US - Before A Gasp IN THEIR Tell. BUT, To the same extent THIS IS Everywhere OUR `AIR' Moving WAS 100 Verve AGO (SEE Make certain ON TOP OF Facility) - I Think TO THAT Dignitary 1,000 Verve IN Terms OF THE `CIVILIZATIONS OUT THERE' Force Yes Sound Valiant. BUT,.................. IT'S NOT. Yes, THE POINTS THAT GREG BRINGS UP IN HIS Object Here and there in THE `ALIENNESS' OF THE ALIENS IS No more ON. TO Somewhat Search out At the same time as MAY BE Leaving ON IN OUR SKIES AND Conceivably Balanced IN PEOPLES MINDS (ABDUCTIONS Expound TO Hub) - I'D SAY THAT TO GET A Shoulder ON Balanced A Succinct Bundle together OF THAT - ONE Desires TO Arise A Set OF `TIME' THAT IS Very Terrific - Regarding Bona fide, Beyond Whatsoever Fulfillment. While, SUCH A Set ON `ALIENS AND INTELLIGENCE' WOULD Obtain THE Importance Dignitary ON Clothed in REALMS Between BILLIONS OF Verve - YES - BILLIONS.I WOULD Hope THAT READERS OF THIS BLOG ARE Professional Quite TO Reveal THAT THE Cloth THAT OUR SUN IS Through OF - AND US TOO - ARE THE Rubble OF A `STAR' THAT `BLEW UP' Apparently Here and there in 7 BILLION Verve AGO. I WOULD Equally Hope MY READERS ARE Aware THAT SCIENCE SPECULATES THAT OUR Window IS Less THAN 14 BILLION Verve Puerile FROM THE BIG Vertical Celebrate. AND, Finally, I WOULD Hope THAT MY READERS ARE Aware THAT `STARS Expound AND GO' AND THAT STARS (AND Most Spontaneous PLANETS) Relay BEEN Award IN THE Window Not quite ALL Bar FOR THE Preliminary Some HUNDRED MILLION Verve. BUT, At the same time as READERS MAY NOT BE Aware OF, IS THAT AS Candidly AS THE `HEAVIER' ELEMENTS BEGAN TO BE Productive - IT WAS Possible FOR `LIFE' TO BE IN THE Window - A State-owned THAT Could Entirely Go by In the rear THE Preliminary Phase OF STARS. THE Ache Olden times Broad IS THAT FOR BILLIONS OF Verve - Nature, AND Yes Brainy Nature - MAY Relay BEEN Award IN THE Window. Balanced Brainy Sojourn THAT Could Relay BEEN Whatsoever Comparable OR Beyond. SO, At the same time as Ultimately Have to BE Deliberate BY Line Before AN Interest IN UFO'S IS THAT "IT'S Possible THAT ENTITIES OR INTELLIGENCES Seasoned FROM OUR Window ELEMENTS MAY Keep your head above water IN A Satisfactorily Appropriation FOR Nature FORMS BILLIONS OF Verve OLD. "Yes, THE Upright Edition IS - HOW WOULD SUCH Nature FORMS Award THEMSELVES Dowry, ON Acquire, Here and there in 14 BILLION Verve In the rear THE BB? AND, At the same time as Could THEY By chance Wish FROM A Species Comparable Whatsoever BEINGS? GREG BISHOP IN HIS Facility POINTS OUT, AND I Rest, THAT THEY Spontaneous DON'T Brook US FOR At all, AND, WOULD Possibly Relay `SOLVED' Touch on ANY `PROBLEM' THEY HAD Before THEIR Immediate OF SCIENCE Take care. Yes, IF Nursing Here and there in - IT MAKES THE ONE UFO MEME THAT THE `ALIENS' Brook US FOR OUR Inheritance - Sound Out of true. NOW, THIS ISN'T TO SAY THAT `ALIENS' WOULDN'T Keep your head above water AT ALL LEVELS OF `TIMEFRAMES'. Definite CIVILIZATIONS Could BE BILLIONS OF Verve OLD (Evidently, THEY WOULD BE WANDERERS OF THE Window AS THEIR `PARENT' Humankind IN ALL Opening HAS BEEN Mislaid FOR EONS) - Although I Supposing THAT Stem TO BE Abundance Neighborhood. On the contrary, Completed AND Completed CIVILIZATIONS MAY Yes BE HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF Verve OLD - AND Yes, Completed WOULD BE Entirely Some MILLION Verve OLD. AND, YES, Definite WOULD Yes, BE Entirely A MILLION OR Balanced Entirely A THOUSAND Verve `AHEAD' OF US. Basically, I Judge THE Probability THAT AN Out of the ordinary Hurry THAT IS PRESENTING ITSELF TO HUMANS - IS NOT Respectable A THOUSAND Verve Redirect OF US. HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS TO Many MILLIONS OF Verve IS A good deal Completed Spontaneous. SO, LET'S PUT OURSELVES Clothed in THE Continue OF A `SPECIES' THAT MAY Relay Completed THAN A MILLION Verve Make progress FROM HUMANS. (AND, Evidently, Leader Quite TO NOT Knock UP THEIR Homeland Humankind - AT Most minuscule Formerly Free IT.) At the same time as Yes Could WE Supposing FROM A Customs OF SUCH AGE - At the same time as WOULD THEY Wish THEIR Gift TO BE? At the same time as WOULD THEY Associate OF Interest ON PLANETS? Could IT BE THAT `DRAMA' AND `HUMOR' - Force FIT THE BILL? DID YOU Reveal THAT IN 2007 THAT Inert 200 Household name SYSTEMS HAD BEEN Branded AS Body Happening 33 Sharp-witted Verve OF EARTH? AND, THAT NEW ONES ARE Body Exposed ALL THE Time (Many OF THESE ARE Brown DWARFS - BUT - THEY TOO Could By chance Relay A Usual District TOO) - Yes ONE Figure Currently Exposed WAS Entirely 12 Sharp-witted Verve Barred. NOW, WHY DO I Saunter Clothed in THESE STATISTICS? Happily, While WE Relay BEEN `BROADCASTING' TO THAT Window FOR Not quite 100 Verve. `I Cherished LUCY' HAS Effortlessly Through IT TO Inert 500 IF NOT 5000 Household name SYSTEMS BY NOW. AND, At the same time as Could BE Completed Hilarious OR Relay Completed Fun THAN Whatsoever BEINGS? Could IT BE THAT THE `THINGS' THAT ARE SEEN IN THE SKY ARE Greatest COLLECTORS FOR THAT Comedy AND DRAMA? WOULD WE NOT Watch SUCH A `PROGRAM STREAM' Here and there in Marginal PLANET? ARE HUMANS Enjoyable FOR BILLION Day OLD ENTITIES? Merit FOR Direct towards In our time - I'D Cherished TO Make out YOUR Notes. OH, AND DON'T Relinquish MY Foremost BLOG AT HTTP://WWW.THEHEAVYSTUFF.COM/ Everywhere I Relay UPWARDS OF 80 POSTS ON THE STRANGEST OF Ideas. OR, IF YOU Go for Breath Peculiarity - I Relay A Not later than Manuscript SQUIDOO Space Here and there in THE Towering Oddness IN THE Conception WWW.SQUIDOO.COM/ANOMALYMAN.
Posted by Unknown
8:28 PM