this file care of the Darkside at 314-644-6705
UFO's and the Occult Reich by TAL From: Nevada Receiver Dive Announcement P.O. Box 1701 Precious stone Springs Knock Las Vegas, Nevada 89128 Assorted civilizations not later than "flying saucers" exist, and are great inmost this planet. Beings which construct out of their own dint, loads of craft which are among us. Impart are excessively the UFO craft that are built by terminate cultures. All these are allied together in loads of ways. Peak all of these are OCCULT (great)...and most are "messengers of fake". In 1867, Wentworth Offspring founded the English Rosicrucian Troop. He was in contact not later than the German Rosicrucians. Offspring recruited his entourage, up to 144 voters, from the outline of the elder "Freemasons". One of his disciples was Bulwer Lytton, who was a knowledgeable man decorated concluded the world for his novel "The Ending Time of Pompeii". He excessively wrote "The Prospect String" (Zanoni) which featured a telepathic pre-Nazi group in Germany. This Berlin group called itself the "Glassy Apartment", or "Vril Troop" Vril (subsequent to the force) has huge verve world power. The book describes a clan of men bumpily far in to the fore of terminate humans. They stock acuired powers over themselves and over all material objects. They lived in caves and would turn up to dominance over the terminate world. The most summit section of the Vril Troop was Karl Haushofer, a sticky confidant of Hitler, Hess and Rosenburg, who all belonged to the Thule Troop (Thule Gesellschaft) that was founded in Munich in 1918. Thule was a neo-Gnostic diehard group, which became a rallying precursor for the shared family tree of Nazi dint. The leading plan of the Thule group was Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff (Rudolf Glauer) who had tranquility contact not later than the Dervish Give instructions and knew a brilliant treaty about Islamic mysticism, particularly Sufism in all its aspects. He excessively had contact not later than Herman Pohl, disdainful of the German Order Walvater of the Cherubic Grail. Nazi occultism was a combination of influences and a TV presenter of consistent secret societies, as well as the Bavarian Illuminati, the Knights Templar, the Teutonic Knights, the Cherubic Vehm, the Golden-haired Daylight, the Rosy-Cross, the Vril Troop, the German Order and its bough, the Thule Troop. Thule is customary as the assets of Hyperborea, in the polar regions. Besides customary as "Ultima Thule", it was the entrance to other worlds. It was customary to rescue as every one a gain to hideaway the earth and a gain on the rim of the opening to the "hollow earth". It is exciting to witness that the type powers of the earth stock microwave stations function in the area, data lines ELF waves on brain-wave freqencies. Mythology has it that Hyperboreans were in contact not later than loads of "alien cultures". War ostensibly disfavored out together with the Hyperboreans and other civilizations (minute war). Line of the Thule group of students (Celts) emigrated not permitted to other areas of the planet. They occupied these areas, encouraged by "bumper chromosomes" heritable from their space-travelling lineage. These star offspring voters are really of Celtic origin (Basques, Irish, English, Norsemen, Icelanders, Bretons, Spaniards and Portuguese) which, oddly a load, stamp up the prime proportion of RH- Gloomy blood types. Insert neo-Nazis are allegedly hard to remain and control these voters. Observably, most contactees stock RH-blood type. Are UFO cultures tracking their own "cross-breeds"? The Prodigious Apartment of Vril was seeking to re-unite the ancient Aryan customs and to stamp contact not later than the head super-human "bright clan" and to stamp an affiliation not later than beings who stock secret sanctuaries great inmost the planet. The book "UFOs - NAZI Unmemorable WEAPON?" by Mattern-Friedrich brings out confident exciting information, It seems that Victor Schauberger (1885-1958) untrue a dignitary of "flying disks" for the Nazis together with 1938 and 1945.
Command Comments... We stock seen a endorse of a message from Schauberger to a friend which states that he worked at Matthausen strength camp directing technically prone prisoners and other German scientists in the celebratory construction of a saucer. In this message in black and white by Schauberger, he gives momentum information from his tranquility impression not later than the German military : "The "flying saucer" which was flight-tested on the 19th February 1945 helpful Prague and which attained a zenith of 15,000 metres in 3 minutes and a conservative speed of 2,200 km/hours, was constructed according to a Mod l 1 built at Mauthausen strength camp in maintain not later than the unequaled engineers and stress-analysts ASSIGNED TO ME from the prisoners current. It was absolutely after the end of the war that I came to latch, ready one of the the herd Beneath MY Organize, a Czech, THAT Especially Resolute Stride WAS IN PROGRESS: even now, current was no fixed to my enquiry. From what I reserve, entirely at the forefront the end of the war, the method is Assumed TO Pin down BEEN Dispirited on Keitel's information. That's the last I heard of it. In this sphere, diverse armor specialists were excessively dynamic who appeared at the transplant in Prague, before long at the forefront my cogitate to Vienna, and asked that I Bear witness the unsophisticated derivation of it: The Instigation OF AN Tiny LOW-PRESSURE Gardens, which DEVELOPS IN SECONDS being either AIR or Rinse IS CAUSED TO Thrust RADIALLY AND AXIALLY under provisos of a Reducing Warm Increase."
Schauberger and his son lived in the Related States for a concise time after the war, everywhere he was reported to be working on a top secret UFO project in Texas for the US Stately. Reports of Aryan looking saucer pilots are repeated. Want haired blonde relations that chatter German. It is exciting to witness that the so- called "venusian" saucer design of contactees all peer subsequent to German saucer designs. The Thule Troop is until now luminous in the minds of neo-Nazi (Fourth Reich) occulists. Impart is a list separation spherical that reports to be the secret log of Admiral Richard Byrd. In 1978, copies were sent out by the Fissure Put down Dive Troop in Ontario, Canada. Ivan Boyes, its supervisor, claims that "after the war, the partners exposed that over 2,000 scientists from Germany and Italy had flummoxed sideways not later than on a million voters to the Express outer the rail. This is seemingly what Admiral Byrd's expedition was all about. To hunt them down. The jam of the Arianni. The "Flugelrads" (wingwheels) were noted in the secret log as being sent to the terminate world to think about the first nuclear explosions. These were the model T's of the German saucer design. Do we stock a myth in the making? So... Admiral Byrd goes press and tells the Pentagon and the Advance what he has seen. They relate him to be at rest. It seems that the within earth indentation civilizations and the lands inmost the earth stock been a section of the occult/military secret for a hope for time.