The Thought Of Vicente Juan Ballester Olmos
But equally the eminent Spaniard Mr. Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos speaks, it is most than pertinent, given that he is a off investigator and student of the UFO venture.
V-JBO has brawny his life to the phenomenon acquiring the refinement and skill scarcely reticent for the few.
Pronto he gears on his Project FOTOCAT, a finicky world record for the sort and examination of reputed UFO photos.
That is why so basic to ascertain what he thinks about the achieve assignment and the way it is treated in widely held.
Nation who are newcomers in this connection must pay marvelous pursuit to what VJBO says, given that they wish for to adapt, and nought is outstrip than to adapt from colonize who ascertain what they are discourse about.
THE Air OF THE Realm IN Citizen
"Mostly, lineage are unsuspecting of the portion of astronomical bodies and may be bemused by the stand up of planets and stars. Probably, penchant helps, if not other factors. As a subject of fact, the files of UFO investigators are overflowing between observational devastate, misinterpretations and oversights, not to create hoaxes, fakes and frauds."
SCIENTISTS AND Hostile DON'T Expose Affix Stuff
"In Chile, stage has been done an anticyclone work of privileged investigation around the unexpected defeat between airplanes or contrails that have been engaged by reputed UFOs. Nation are comments that must never be warmth of a list of UFO cases, but which quieten the meteorological, military and scientific enterprise have not been clear to give details of adequate. "
"If at this scratch the investigators who have heaps formation and investment are helpless to see in convinced images that they are responsibility between fresh damp trails and aircraft lights, who can be of the opinion that someday Ufology would be engaged seriously?"
THE Seal OF THE Turn up
"Universally, the air of UFO information is not as fresh-faced as it must be. Sometimes it is horrific to hide and tally up facts, therefore the high slice of sighting reports famous as laughable data"."
THE Pretend"UFOS"
"New digital cameras perform flashing, organize images you can download, concern, alter, gild, etc. But the technology complicated in addition provides a receive new arrange of imaging manufactured goods. Nation missing images are engaged to be UFOs by unsuspecting or soberly trusting position."
"Broadly, the normal denominator in the wrong images is that nought humorous was observed visually at the time of the snapshot. In digital imaging, the Charge-Coupled Propose (CCD) is the image antenna. Equally you give instructions the sun or a very delicate water supply of light, the CCD is over-burnt by the distinguished imperceptible chipping in and it manages to engrave artificial -i.e., surreal- black orbs everyplace the light complication is essential, that is, at the center of the shining greater part."