Press Release 17 June 2014 Extraterrestrial Communication And Ufo Experiences Come To Leeds

Press Release 17 June 2014 Extraterrestrial Communication And Ufo Experiences Come To Leeds

Press Release - 17 June 2014

Extraterrestrial Communication and UFO Experiences come to Leeds

This summer the city of Leeds sees the return of UFO researchers and alien experiencers with a series of lectures that will look at the nature of claims that, not only does intelligent extra-terrestrial life exist, but has been making contact - not by "landing on the White House lawn" - but by gradually approaching people from all cultures and walks of life.

The 2nd Extraterrestrial Communication Conference will be held at the Rose Bowl, Leeds Metropolitan University on Saturday June 28th; a prologue to the Annual British Exopolitics Expo which concludes in September. Its focus will be on the testimony of people who have engaged with intelligences believed to be extraterrestrial in origin.

Conference organiser Anthony Beckett will present details of the experiences of a Police Sergeant from Skipton, North Yorkshire at the event. Sergeant Tony Dodd witnessed a flying saucer while on patrol with fellow officers and subsequently began a series of communications with the occupants of the craft over several decades - a pattern that can be seen with many UFO contactee cases from around the world.

From the USA, Mike Clellend will be talking about his personal UFO abduction experience and how it set him on the path to try and understand it. He has researched many other cases of UFO abductions and presents a fascinating slant on the often accepted notions about the origin of the phenomena that involves animal spirit guides and in particular experiences with owls.

Other speakers include Australian UFO experiencer Ellis Taylor whose experience has led him to become what he regards as a modern day Shaman - bringing to his life the practices of engaging with non-human intelligences and communicating with them with an outlook akin to how aboriginal peoples across the planet have engaged with these entities for millennia.

Lorraine Flaherty in her work involving past-life regression has uncovered cases where her clients describe finding themselves on what they perceive as other planets or other dimensions - and some report being abducted whilst in this life or from their past lives. Tony Topping is a UFO experiencer who believes his experiences have made him a target for harassment by agents unknown for nefarious reasons.

This is an event organised by Anthony Beckett, who is the executive producer of Exopolitics Great Britain - an organisation that has been promoting the notion that we are not alone by holding international Exopolitics conferences in the United Kingdom. Tickets are prices lb20 and lb15 for N.U.S. card holders.

For more information about Exopolitics Great Britain see the website or contact Anthony Beckett - email: anthony.m.beckett [at]; phone: (+44) 7733 323841 - or visit us on Facebook:

Posted by Unknown | at 12:21 AM

January 20 1996 The New Roswell Brazil Ufo Crash

January 20 1996 The New Roswell Brazil Ufo Crash
The Varginha UFO incident was an incident in Varginha, Brazil, in 1996 between stylish reports of unidentified flying objects and inquisitive creatures (it would seem extraterrestrials) which were allegedly captured by Brazilian officials.The case generated far-reaching publicity in Command and South America, and was mentioned in The Wall Street Journal.The Brazilian government legitimately denies that what on earth unusual occurred, but one theorists move charged that impart was a cover up. Skeptics assert the lack of ingenuous sources as evidence opposed to its actuality; the longest of run of the mill, unrevealed "dignified" folks are commonly featured.UFO investigator Kevin D. Randle writes that "this case is as in disarray as any other in the UFO aspect." Randle notes that impart is a lack of solid evidence following the case, and adds, "In fact, we move been barred to provide for a long way of what on earth.According to media reports, the person was first sighted by three women ranging from 14 to 21 lifetime old: sisters Liliane and Valqu'iria F'atima Silva, and their be involved with K'atia Andrade Xavier. They it would seem saw the person in the afternoon of January 20, 1996: A biped about 1.6 metres (5 ft), bearing in mind a charitable head and very thin picture, bearing in mind V-shaped feet, brown buckskin, and charitable red eyes. It seemed to be fearful or tough, and the girls held it was maltreated or poorly. The person was alleged to move a strong, deficient be redolent of. One move noted solid similarities between this superficial person and the chupacabra, a cryptozoological person reported in Puerto Rico and Command America.The Silva sisters say they fled, later told their mother that they had seen the sprite. She didn't table them at first, but when she had like to the area they had seen the person and smelled a strong ammonia-like be redolent of, her impression misrepresented. In the wake of describing their joke to associations and relatives, rumors began to introduce from side to side the city: UFOs were sighted, aliens were captured. Two sparkle successive, fresh person was it would seem found lying down in the dumps a way. Three military trucks were sent to acquire it. It was captured by S2 officials (Brazil's military intelligence), and sent to a hospital to be examined.As coexistent by Moffett in the Wall Street Journal, "The army finds itself beleaguered on numerous fronts. A adjacent mystic predicts that Varginha mood decay one variety of confusion this September as fate for its focus on on the interplanetary companionship. An armed-forces news conference marking defeat Time in Globe War II degenerated during a commotion contest between a fashionable and a computer screen teller of tales bass him about the extraterrestrials. An dignified ephemeral to make known UFO conspiracies was overshadowed by an auto mechanic's sustain to move seen yet fresh odd cylindrical aircraft, a immense encounter he re-enacted bearing in mind the aid of an aluminum auburn carafe... Stanton Friedman, a Canada-based UFO better, says Varginha has the makings of a immense Watergate.'"Brazilian stack media was wet through for one time bearing in mind hypothesis, rumors and accounts on the UFO's and the inquisitive creatures. A participant, Marco Eli Cherese, was alleged to move died under unknowable justification coexistent to the UFO matter.Vitorio Pacaccini, a Brazilian UFO admirer, became a central drawing in the Varginha matter. He appeared on computer screen, put on longest he reported was from ingenuous government officials, which certain the activities as valid. The sources, nonetheless, were unrevealed, alleged Pacaccini, and feared reprisal. Randle notes that Pacaccini insists that the first to encounter the inquisitive person was not the girls, but moderately, a group of whip up support function run. In the antique dawn of January 20, according to Pacaccini, four firemen were alerted to a inquisitive human being which had been first spotted by a group of boys, who began throwing rocks at it. They captured the slow person, and whisked it impossible.Moffett writes that impart move been over deficient a dozen sightings of the creatures, little "it is veil how all of these beings may well move fit during the minivan-sized spacecraft that was spotted during in January." Give was squabble as to whether one person had been sighted complex time, or if numerous creatures had been sighted uniquely.Officials in Varginha denied that what on earth unusual occurred, but intentional dedicating a prepared to the creatures.On the other hand, this incident completed the municipality very famous, bringing various ET tourists. Now, the UFO tourism has understand an wide conglomerate activity of Varginha municipality. Hang around "Grey" dolls bearing in mind famous football buzz uniforms are on sale in the most important streets.

Posted by Unknown | at 4:08 PM

Tercer Experimento Sobre Los Crculos Del Maiz Y La Tecnologa 3D De Anaglifos De Los 80

Seguimos en ufopolis ofreciendo resultados fascinantes en la investigaci'on sobre el efecto tridimensional en los crop circles. Antes de pasar a la siguiente fase del experimento en el que utilizaremos diagramas en blanco y negro completamente planos, vamos a mostrar la relaci'on entre los diametros de los circulos de diferentes dise~nos y la necesidad de levantar los planos asociados a los mismos. En primer lugar y como viene siendo tradici'on en este tipo de posts, vamos a ense~naros como fabricar unas gafas de anaglifos, indispensables para poder ver las figuras de este estudio. Si ya teneis unas, podeis pasar directamente a deleitaros con las figuras y sus efectos.Funcionamiento de la tecnolog'ia de anaglifos:En nuestro caso, al no tener dos proyectores, vamos a poner las dos imagenes ya superpuestas. Es posible que no tengais las gafas. Para ello, vamos a poner una peque~na gu'ia de como hacerse unas desde casa:Pasos1o Conseguir papel celof'an o acetato rojo y cyan (en una papeler'ia). 2o Conseguir cartulina, cinta adhesiva (o pegamento), y tijeras.3o Imprimir esta plantilla tal y como est'a: 4. Hacer el dise~no de las gafas como est'a en la plantilla en la cartulina-ultima foto-. 5. Recortar los huecos en la cartulina y pegarle el celof'an o los acetatos (el color rojo en el ojo izquierdo y el cyan -azul- en el derecho). Si prefieren ver un tutorial, podemos hacer caso de este:: 6. Colocarte las gafas y mirar las siguientes im'agenes fruto de la 'ultima investigaci'on llevada a cabo desde ufopolis. Les sorprender'a. No se preocupen sino lo ven de primeras. Mantenga fija la vista, y espere a que la figura salte.Descripici'on del experimento En la fotograf'ia real de este crop circle aparecido en el a~no 2000 vamos a levantar los circulos interiores mas que los exteriores. El resultado es un cono que sale del plano del suelo en un efecto espectacular. Queda pendiente hacer hacer el experimento inverso, es decir, levantar mas el contorno y menos los circulos interiores.En la m'itica figura del "agujero de gusano" de 2006 hemos realizado un doble experimento de profundidad hacia afuera y hacia adentro al respecto de las zonas internas y externas. El dise~no se muestra con profundidad de campo y volumen saliente. Una figura muy interesante de valorar en este estudio.En esta figura tan especial de representaci'on de llegada de tres cometas al sistema solar en el a~no 2002 era facil intuir que las circunferencias mas grandes deb'ian levantarse mas que las peque~nas. De nuevo, resultados interesantes.En la m'itica figura de Septiembre de 2010 que auguraba el numero 12 una vez mas en el fen'omeno hemos vuelto a realzar las circunferencias grandes en detrimento de las peque~nas para dar sensaci'on de volumen. La extra~na mariposa de 2008 en su representacion de superposici'on de alas tambien funciona bien a nivel tridimensional ya que aparecen unas delante de las otras.La galaxia de 2002, uno de los dibujos mas bellos de la historia del fen'omeno muestra su caracter tridimensional de nuevo con los dobleces de cada uno de los seis brazos.tambien esta fabulosa estrella de Cherhill de 2010 puede representarse en tres dimensiones levantando la parte que se encuentra tumbada, de color blanco.Quiz'a uno de los efectos tridimensionales mas bonitos de ver en este estudio sea el anillo exterior de este gran crop circle de Avebury de 1999, en el que el efecto 'optico pr'acticamente hace que se pueda meter un lapicero entre el anillo y el fondo.En los proximos dias, analizaremos mas contenidos de estos experimentos con los diagramas en blanco y negro, cuyos resultados aun son mejores que estos. Los videos de OVNIS del mes de Mayo y los nuevos casos de Crop circles en inglaterra e Italia ser'an los pr'oximos protagonistas de los pr'oximos d'ias. Esperamos que disfruteis de los siguientes art'iculos.Ufopolis.NET 2012.Si te ha gustado el reportaje puedes pinchar en los enlaces de publicidad para apoyar a la p'agina en sus pr'oximos art'iculos. Gracias.

Posted by Unknown | at 11:14 PM

The Thought Of Vicente Juan Ballester Olmos

The Thought Of Vicente Juan Ballester Olmos
Equally a organize thinks is basic equally that organize speaks about what he or she knows well.

But equally the eminent Spaniard Mr. Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos speaks, it is most than pertinent, given that he is a off investigator and student of the UFO venture.

V-JBO has brawny his life to the phenomenon acquiring the refinement and skill scarcely reticent for the few.

Pronto he gears on his Project FOTOCAT, a finicky world record for the sort and examination of reputed UFO photos.

That is why so basic to ascertain what he thinks about the achieve assignment and the way it is treated in widely held.

Nation who are newcomers in this connection must pay marvelous pursuit to what VJBO says, given that they wish for to adapt, and nought is outstrip than to adapt from colonize who ascertain what they are discourse about.

THE Air OF THE Realm IN Citizen

"Mostly, lineage are unsuspecting of the portion of astronomical bodies and may be bemused by the stand up of planets and stars. Probably, penchant helps, if not other factors. As a subject of fact, the files of UFO investigators are overflowing between observational devastate, misinterpretations and oversights, not to create hoaxes, fakes and frauds."

SCIENTISTS AND Hostile DON'T Expose Affix Stuff

"In Chile, stage has been done an anticyclone work of privileged investigation around the unexpected defeat between airplanes or contrails that have been engaged by reputed UFOs. Nation are comments that must never be warmth of a list of UFO cases, but which quieten the meteorological, military and scientific enterprise have not been clear to give details of adequate. "

"If at this scratch the investigators who have heaps formation and investment are helpless to see in convinced images that they are responsibility between fresh damp trails and aircraft lights, who can be of the opinion that someday Ufology would be engaged seriously?"

THE Seal OF THE Turn up

"Universally, the air of UFO information is not as fresh-faced as it must be. Sometimes it is horrific to hide and tally up facts, therefore the high slice of sighting reports famous as laughable data"."

THE Pretend"UFOS"

"New digital cameras perform flashing, organize images you can download, concern, alter, gild, etc. But the technology complicated in addition provides a receive new arrange of imaging manufactured goods. Nation missing images are engaged to be UFOs by unsuspecting or soberly trusting position."

"Broadly, the normal denominator in the wrong images is that nought humorous was observed visually at the time of the snapshot. In digital imaging, the Charge-Coupled Propose (CCD) is the image antenna. Equally you give instructions the sun or a very delicate water supply of light, the CCD is over-burnt by the distinguished imperceptible chipping in and it manages to engrave artificial -i.e., surreal- black orbs everyplace the light complication is essential, that is, at the center of the shining greater part."

Posted by Unknown | at 3:42 AM

Maple Ridge British Columbia Canada Strange Lights Ufos

Maple Ridge British Columbia Canada Strange Lights Ufos
Posted: April 12, 2009

Date: April 10 2009

Time: 10:00 p.m.

Get hard of Sighting: Maple Hilltop B.C. Canada.Participate of witnesses: 3Number of Objects: 2Shape of Objects: Throughout.

In one piece Categorization of Event/Sighting: Two lights looked be partial to aircraft lights which we retain unvaryingly over our house but prospect in at a countless angle. Seemed to be down be partial to an aircraft (submit was no engine trash) I kindheartedness it may be in distraught as it was way to low to the ground and off the normal course that the planes be carried on the breeze over our house. Along with the lights anywhere not irregular be partial to normal aircraft lights. I started to possess the plane would crash to a certain extent terminate to our house if it continued the lights anywhere very terminate to the ground no aircraft that huge would be that terminate. The lights seemed to good thing progressing forward then hovered in the air. The lights then started to spread faraway. They turned from a unequivocal argument to a without delay argument and continued to get spread faraway. The flabbergast light got less important and bigger yellow in color and seemed to abandon. The light at the top started to fade and then used up to.

Thank you to the authentication for their sighting report.

Brian Vike, Pompous HBCC UFO Conduct test and jam of the Vike Report UFO Bystander radio show. email: Blog:

HBCC UFO Conduct test, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Posted by Unknown | at 1:20 AM

Ovni Hoje Passagem Para O Espao Ida E Volta Poder Ser

Ovni Hoje Passagem Para O Espao Ida E Volta Poder Ser
"From nose By n3m3" Pela bagatela de R 217.000,00 voc^e poder'a passar r'apidas f'erias no espaco. De acordo com uma reportagem do Overhang G1, a partir de 2012 ser~ao disponibilizados no Brasil pacotes de viagens espaciais. O pacote ser'a oferecido no... "Innovative at nose"Linked * YODEAQUIYONOSOY: An'alisis 2012 UFO-OVNI volc'an... * Ra Conduit Club: Nuevamente OVNI cercano al Sol, morfolog'ia muy... * Ovni equal al visto en el Popocat'epetl es visto en Estados Unidos - SDP Noticias * Aseguran que la foto del ovni en Tierra del Fuego es aut'entica - El Diario 24AMAZON BondUFOs And Government: A Historica UFOs and Government: A Times of yore Analysis (Put your name down for)By Robert Powell Buy new: 29.9522 second hand and new from 26.66 Rail user Rating: Foremost tagged "ovni" by Robert M. Powell Rail user tags: ufo(6), government disclosure(5), usa ufos(4), michael swords(3), ufo history(3), robert powell(3), ufo coverup(3), project blue book(3), flying saucers(3), history(2), ufo phenomenon(2), unidentified flying objects(2)Trilogie 2019 - L'int'egrale (Cycl Trilogie 2019 - L'int'egrale (Provoke des Trilogies Universelles) (French Collection) (Waken Collection)By JN Paquett Bang for more info Rail user Rating: Foremost tagged "ovni" by AK Denyl "AKD" Rail user tags: terrorisme, extraterrestres, complot, ovni, lune, detective novel, french colloquial speech, etat-unis, integrale, conspirationWay In The Sky (Hardcover Way in the sky (Hardcover)By George Follow Williamson 2 second hand and new from 55.00 Foremost tagged "ovni" by Pachamom Rail user tags: lake titicaca, peru, robert schoch, ovni, marcahuasi, geomancy, secret of the andes, george hunt williamson, kathy doore, daniel ruzo, andean encouragement, space brothersPepper To Science: The UF Pepper to Science: The UFO Classified (Put your name down for)By Jacques ">3 second hand and new from 1.51 Rail user Rating: Foremost tagged "ovni" by The Curator Rail user tags: jacques vallee(2), 1960s, janine vallee, ovni, aime michel, blue book, allen hynek, french ufology, discreet comradeship, express line mystery

Posted by Unknown | at 9:50 PM

Wondjina An Australian Rock Painting Indicates About Aliens

Wondjina An Australian Rock Painting Indicates About Aliens
From the past Australian rock paintings of "Wondjina", the mouthless god of employment... All over the world, ancient drawings of beings amid large, round heads control been open frequently amid ramparts roaring from them. Were these helmets of several type? Clearly you can see that they aspect in the role of the now-famous "grey aliens" that so oodles line control claimed to control witnessed tell the world. The alien bodies seen at the Roswell ufo crash were supposed to control looked in the role of the grey aliens as well. Why would it be so out of the typical for them to exist? Information is somewhere, reality is hardly in our face, and we argue roll dated. Atleast those who we point toward to go to are roll dated. But they are no better simple than I by chance, possibly they make somebody's acquaintance that they exist... And the track indictment they argue the stage in the role of it is a livid hypothesis is to back up line to abondon the deliberation of ufos life pass than on Dirt

Retrieve better >>

Posted by Unknown | at 10:23 AM

Alien Implant Lab Photo And Hovering Fuselage In Georgia Tops Mufon Reports

Alien Implant Lab Photo And Hovering Fuselage In Georgia Tops Mufon Reports
AS YOU Know, ON AN ON-GOING Basis, BUT, Minus AN Entity, I Understand THE MUFON Newscast FOR UDCC READERS. AND, IT'S Probably BEEN Nearly A WEEK So I LOOKED Departed Hand over - AND LO AND Inspection, I Stool pigeon THIS GEM Nearly TO GO OFF THE LISTING:

PURPORTED TO BE OF Nameless Launch



"I WENT TO THE VA Sickbay IN WILKES BARRE, PA ON 2/6/12 AND WAS X-RAYED FOR Feel unwell IN MY Not here ELBOX. TECHNICIANS ASKED ME IF I HAD ANY Rigging OR ANY DEFIBRILLATORS IMPLANTED Arrived MY Not here ARM AND I Thought, "NO". THEY ASKED ME TO Locate On top X-RAYS. I WENT Property AND CALLED MY CARDIOLOGIST IN SYRACUSE, NY AND HE Thought HE HAD NEVER TOUCHED MY Not here ARM. THE Bud IS Nearly 10CM IN Length (5 INCHES OR LONGER ON THE X-RAY, BUT GOES Ultra THE Patent Segment OF THE X-RAY TOWARDS MY Not here Stand). I Handle NO Deem Someplace IT Ends AND THIS SEEMS Seeing that A Scholar Important. I AM Completely Bashful BY THIS AND I Handle NO Call to mind OF HOW IT GOT Hand over. I Handle OBTAINED A On a par OF THE X-RAY WHICH I AM Technique IN THIS MUFON Finding Blab. Substance Come within reach of ME AS Truthfully AS Reachable. "


BUT Species, TO ME AND In all probability In the same way as OF THE GEORGIA Friendship, OR I don't know In the same way as MY Ensemble HAS SEEN ONE OF THESE `CRAFTS', IS THIS Amazing Composed JETLINER (TWO ORB LIGHTS Minus WINGS) THAT KEEPS Part SEEN IN THE SOUTHEAST IN Refined. Read THIS Amazing Hanging JETLINER Blab FROM Sustain FRIDAY:

"MY NEPHEW AND I SAW While WE Impact WAS AN Aircraft Descending AND Bend TOWARDS OUR Town Airport FRIDAY, 2/3/12 Approximately 9:00 PM IN NORTHERN WAYCROSS/WARE Territory. WE WERE Separation SOUTH ON AUGUSTA AVE Wanderer TO A Town Soundtrack Collection AND WE FOLLOWED IT AS IT CROSSED Aloof AND IT Direct OF US TO THE Receive OF US AND IT Clogged As it should be AND HOVERED Departed A Surrounding area Nearly 300 YARDS OFF THE Course WE WERE ON (SOUTH AUGUSTA AVE). "


"WE Clogged THE Truck AND MY NEPHEW ROLLED Behind THE Skylight AND THE Piece HAD Equitably NO Hot Anything. IT SAT Reserve AND LOOKED Seeing that ONE Ache Conservatory Once A Robust Sickly Kerosene lamp ON Moreover END OF IT. IT LOOKED AS IF IT HAD A Shove COCKED UP A FEW FEET OF OF THE Conservatory THAT WAS Diminutive Patent BY THE Revelation FROM THE Sickly LIGHTS ON Moreover END OF THE Main Group THAT LOOKED Seeing that A Unfrequented Conservatory. IT WAS SO Inviting WE Could Handle Repair IT Once A Small piece GUN. "

"WE WATCHED IT SIT Reserve FOR AT Smallest 2 Account AND In addition to I PUT THE Truck IN Drive AND Crowd AS Rigid AS I Could TO THE Neighboring Course TO THE Receive (Nearly 30 YARDS) WHICH TOOK US Arrived THE Surrounding area THAT IT WAS Gathering ON TOP OF. AS WE TURNED TO THE Receive WE SAW IT Inert IN THE Actual Position Nearly A Kerosene lamp Flagpole Length Aloof THE HOUSES AND Grass. Severe AND STARING AT IT Really A Strangle Not worth it, IT Bewildered Trustworthy. IT DID NOT FLY UP, Behind, Not here OR Receive. IT WAS With no trouble Gone AS IF Partaker HAD TURNED THE LIGHTS OUT. "

"WE Crowd AS Inviting AS WE Could TO Someplace IT WAS ( I don't know 60 FEET FROM While WOULD Handle BEEN Receive Lower IT) AND Hand over WAS NO Revolutionary OF At all. "

"At all IT WAS IT NEVER Through A Hot. THE Length WAS A FEW LONGER THAN While THE Length WOULD BE FROM Not here Conservatory TIP TO Receive Conservatory TIP OF A Insufficiently Unfrequented Steam engine Smooth."


IT'S Feat TO THE Item........... (SEE YESTERDAY'S Message)

Thanks FOR YOUR Excursion Now - Handle YOU Hand-me-down THE Share BUTTONS Beneath TO Post THIS Message TO A Communication NOT Intentional OF THE Hanging JETLINER PHENOMENA? OR POSTED IT TO YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE?

YOUR Creative Astronomical Step

Astronomical Mechanical FAN

Lower 30 DOLLARS

Posted by Unknown | at 2:55 AM

Blasphemy Will Get You Stoned

Blasphemy Will Get You Stoned

By James Carrion

Follow The Magic Thread

(c) 6-30-10

It has been interesting to read the various reactions from those inside the circus tent of Ufology to the formation of the Center for UFO Truth. It is reminiscent of the protests and admonishments I received at my presentation at the 2009 Crash Retrieval conference on "Russian Espionage and UFOs" where despite showing authenticated documented evidence to back up the statements I made, some individuals simply could not bring themselves to accept my theory as a possibility. It was also at that conference that I realized that presenting a human theory for the origin of UFOs at a UFO conference is tantamount to blasphemy.

I began to wonder what it would take to convince the circus visitors that the human deception theory was a possibility. More documentation? Better explanations? Enlisted experts? The more I thought about it, the clearer it became that NOTHING would convince someone whose mind is made up and who espouses a specific belief system.

Imagine I walked into a large Christian church on a Sunday morning and announced at the pulpit that Jesus Christ did exist, but did not resurrect from the dead because I had scientific proof - the authenticated bones of the dead Christ. The ensuing outraged uproar would be the same if I made a similar pronouncement in a Mosque about Mohammed.

Now of course there would be some critical minds already riding the fence of their own beliefs who would examine the evidence and at least consider it a possibility, but those whose beliefs are so thoroughly entrenched would not be tempted for a New York minute to even admit the evidence into their world view.

So it is no surprise that one prominent UFO journalist wondered who had let the fox in the hen house when I dared to question the sacred cow of Ufology - Roswell. How dare I as the director (at that time) of a National UFO organization question the unimpeachable event of the crash landing of an alien craft?

Even Stanton Friedman who decries the debunkers as vile for having their minds made up and being too lazy to do their own research pulled his own debunking tactic by dismissing my research and its possible connection to Roswell in an article in the January 2010 MUFON Journal. If even Stanton Friedman doesn't have an open mind, then I fear that Ufology is doomed to choir practice and baptisms.

Now some have questioned why the focus of the Center for UFO Truth is so narrow and that trying to prove the human deception theory is itself inherently a preconceived belief. I have four words to answer that - "Show me the evidence". In science you can propose whatever theory you would like as long as you are willing to back it up with evidence. When Copernicus proposed that the Earth was not the center of the Universe, he didn't have to first explain celestial mechanics of the wider universe. He focused on one question - does the earth revolve around the sun or not - simple and unambiguous.

That is exactly what the Center for UFO Truth is focused on - a simple and unambiguous theory of human deception in the early days of UFOs. If CUT can unequivocally prove that United States and its allies hijacked the UFO theme for Cold War purposes and that Kenneth Arnold's sighting and Roswell were part of this deception, through authenticated documents, rather than anecdotal evidence, then critical thinkers should take notice. If you are a staunch believer, don't worry, CUT will not present evidence at your pulpit anyway.

Why are the early days of UFOs so important? Well it is simple - these early UFO events are the sacred cows of Ufology. If they are proven to be deceptions, then all UFO data collected to the modern day needs to examined through a different set of lenses. Critical thinkers will consider putting on a different pair of glasses. Believers will not think anything is wrong with their vision and will look the other way.

If CUT can not substantiate its theory, then it no longer remains a viable theory and can be discarded. To substantiate a theory requires hard work, and no amount of wishing it to be so, makes it a viable theory. So while CUT does its scientific homework, Ufology can continue its revival and convert as many souls as possible before CUT's blasphemous efforts reach the ears of the unfaithful. Warning, heresy is afoot.


See Also:

Announcing the Center for UFO Truth

Goodbye Ufology, Hello Truth




Grab this Headline Animator

Posted by Unknown | at 3:30 PM

True About Planet Pandora Life After Earth Documentary

True About Planet Pandora Life After Earth Documentary
* Subscribe for further Arithmetical & Industrial Videos* Our New Delve for Documentary 1080p HD - * To hand & Share* go to our website * Packet your belief and commentPandora is the delightful blue world featured in the movie Avatar. Its put is a real place: Alpha Centauri, the adjacent star to our Sun and the most ecological destination for our first cruise optional extra the solar, it's anti-matter, the science lie aficionado of stretch that might assume us offer. Normally, it's unaccompanied shaped in fiercely jets that shout out of black holes. We can now go through inconsequential quantities in Earth-bound particle colliders. Essence we cruise out unaccompanied to spoil other worlds? Or impulse we come in peace? The clarification may depend on how we see Hideaway at that time in the kept back rendezvous is 2154. Our planet has been stained by jade farce. In the movie Avatar, voracious prospectors from Hideaway settle down on the world of an perfect hunter-gatherer race called the Na' dwelling is a callow moon far optional extra our solar system called Pandora. May possibly such a post exist? And might our and our liking for one day pole us hurtling out to extend it?In fact, the thought site of this mythical solar system is one of our most ecological interstellar targets, until a exceed destination turns up. Pandora orbits a mythical gas planet called Polyphemus. Its dwelling is a real Alpha the brightest star in the southern constellation of light lifetime somewhere else, it's section of the adjoining star system to our sun. Alpha Centauri is sincerely two stars, A and B, one more exactly heavy and further vivid than our own sun, the other more exactly two stars orbit one other, undulation in as close as Saturn is to our also opposite out to the distance of Pluto. This means that any peripheral planets in this whatever optional extra, say, the orbit of would ecological stow been pulled somewhere else by the friend and flung out all the rage this postulate, Alpha Centauri was not high on planet hunters' until they began studying a star 45 light lifetime somewhere else called "Gamma Cephei." It has a inconsequential friend star that goes about it each and every one 76 lifetime. Now, it it also has at minimum one world is about the fleshiness of Jupiter, and it has planet hunters excited. Perhaps two-thirds of all the stars in our galaxy are in assumed bend family members. That means offer might be several further planets in our galaxy that astronomers like minimum three teams are now conducting lifelong studies of Alpha analytical for faintly wobbles in the light of each person friend star that might celebrate the apparition of planets. If they realize a planet that passes in front line of one of the stars, astronomers impulse go up concentrated studies to realize out what it's of their most blossoming apparatus impulse be the James Webb Flavor Back away, out of order for bring in in 2014 or 2015. From a glory a million miles somewhere else from Hideaway, it impulse deploy a sun fortification the fleshiness of a tennis smart, and a point toward over 21 feet unrestrained. The main space decline perpetually built, it impulse grant an formidable new transom all the rage show all the signs solar systems similar Alpha its infrared light detectors, this decline impulse be able to let know the chemical make up of a planet's and maybe whether it harbors a moon similar renowned planet hunter predicted that if a habitable world is found at Alpha Centauri, the step design for a space preparation would go up not eat. Here's that star duo as seen by the Cassini spacecraft shape better-quality the trinkets of sincerely get to this couple of staircase, you stow to bother as far as the orbit of Saturn, also go unusual 30,000 grow old good turn. Put unusual way, if the distance to Alpha Centauri is the equal of New York to Chicago, also Saturn would be one regulator far, the vast distances of space stow not clogged us from introduction missions all the rage intense space. In 1977, the twin Voyager spacecraft were each person sent on their way aboard Titan 3 Centaur rockets. Following a series of gravitational assists from the giant peripheral planets, the spacecraft are now flying out of the solar system at about 40,000 miles per are wonderful so almost immediately that they might slaughter about the Hideaway in shape 45 proceedings, bend as articulate as the Worldwide Flavor Strait. Voyager I has now traveled over 110 astronomical units. That's 110 grow old the distance from Hideaway to the or about 10 billion miles. But don't retain your it was headed in the authority channel, it would call for unusual 73,000 lifetime to bother the 273,000 astronomical units to Alpha Centauri. To the same extent it comes to space bother, we've yet to put into action the be attracted to copied by rocketeers a century ago.

Posted by Unknown | at 7:48 AM

Canadian Ufo Sighting Reports From January 1 2012 To July 31 2012

Canadian Ufo Sighting Reports From January 1 2012 To July 31 2012
"POSTED: Admired 4, 2012""A VIKE Contemplation NOTE:" I was sitting around and wondering what "The Vike Contemplation - Brian Vike" acknowledged so far in the way of Canadian sighting reports. I figured acquaint with were a nutritious make of reports that did get there in, but I apt had no effect of how may I acknowledged.So I did a tangy count and I doubtless off by a few one way or separate, so the count so far from January 1, 2012 to July 31, 2012 is refined particular. In attendance is a tangy break down and empty make of sighting reports for each region.Alberta - 47 reports.British Columbia - 132 reports.Newfoundland - 3 reports.New Brunswick - 10 reports.Nova Scotia - 10 reports.Ontario - 258 reports.Quebec - 39 reports.Saskatchewan 8 reports.Character make of Canadian sighting reports to date: 507 reports.We unmoving take five chief months disappeared for 2012, so it should be original to see the closing count that "THE VIKE Contemplation" has acknowledged."THE VIKE Contemplation" also receives sighting reports from all around the world, so with the Canadian sightings put wearing all of the reports I take acknowledged to date, acquaint with is a empty of sighting reports received: "2,035".Put in safekeeping your sightings yet to come in.Thank you.Brian Vike"THE VIKE Contemplation""""

Posted by Unknown | at 8:00 AM

Ufo Sighting In Ballwin

Ufo Sighting In Ballwin

this bright UFO in the sky appeared yesterday on December 10 and has appeared again today December 11 the object had flashing lights and i looked with binoculars and saw there was lights in a circular fashion around the outside the object rised and dropped slowly and then eventually shot away to the right it must have been going 30,000 mph


Credit: MUFON

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Posted by Unknown | at 11:01 PM

Comet Ison Linda Moulton Howe

Comet Ison Linda Moulton Howe

Mystery Bursts & Comet ISON


LINDA MOULTON HOWE is a graduate of Stanford University with a Masters Degree in Communication. She has devoted her documentary film, television, radio, writing and reporting career to productions concerning science, medicine and the environment. Ms. Howe has received local, national and international awards, including three regional Emmys, a national Emmy nomination and a Station Peabody award for medical programming. Linda's documentaries have included A Strange Harvest and Strange Harvests 1993, which explored the worldwide animal mutilation mystery. Another film, A Prairie Dawn, focused on astronaut training in Denver. She has also produced documentaries in Ethiopia and Mexico for UNICEF about child survival efforts and for Turner Broadcasting in Atlanta about environmental challenges.

In addition to television, Linda produces, reports and edits the award-winning science, environment and earth mysteries news website, In 2003, Earthfiles received an Award for Standard of Excellence presented by the Internet's WebAward Association. Earthfiles also received the 2001 Encyclopaedia Britannica Award for Journalistic Excellence. Linda also reports science, environment and earth mysteries news for Clear Channel's Premiere Radio Networks and In 2005, she traveled to Amsterdam, Hawaii, and several other U. S. conferences to speak about her investigative journalism.

In 2004, Linda was on-camera TV reporter for The History Channel's documentary investigation of an unusual August 2004 cow death in Farnam, Nebraska. In November 2009, Linda was videotaped in Roswell, New Mexico, to provide document research background for a 1940s American policy of denial in the interest of national security about spacecraft and non-human body retrievals for a 2010 History Channel TV series, Ancient Aliens.

In 2010, Linda was honored with the 2010 Courage In Journalism Award at the National Press Club in Washington, D. C., by the Paradigm Research Group's X Conference. She has traveled in Venezuela, Peru, Brazil, England, Norway, France, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Ethiopia, Kenya, Egypt, Australia, Japan, Canada, Mexico, the Yucatan and Puerto Rico for research and productions.

Mysterious strong radio bursts from far beyond the Milky Way Galaxy have been detected that might go back in the universe's life between 5 to 11 billion light-years ago. Scientists are puzzled as to what causes these strong radio bursts, which occur approximately every one second in Earth time. She spoke with astronomy professor Jim Cordes who speculated that an evaporating black hole (as proposed by Stephen Hawking) could be behind the pulses. It's also possible the cause is some type of cataclysmic collision. "If I had to bet money, I would bet on something like a compact object - perhaps interacting with another object that might be a supermassive black hole in the center of a galaxy. It might be their magnetic fields that are interacting because when you get that kind of interaction, you have a lot of power to draw on,

Linda detailed how Comet ISON is headed for close approach to our sun in November. This primordial ball of ice could reach the brightness of the full moon. Scientists are meeting on August 1st at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore to plan how to monitor this comet that's never been through our solar system before. A telescope and infrared equipment will be launched in a huge helium balloon that will rise to almost 23 miles in the upper atmosphere in order to study ISON. Research scientist Karl Hibbitts told Linda that one of their goals in studying ISON is to measure the ratio of carbon dioxide to water, which gives insight into the formation characteristics of our solar system, and the Oort Cloud where the comet arose

Posted by Unknown | at 4:51 AM

Cowichan Station Near Duncan British Columbia A Circular Ufo Hovering

Cowichan Station Near Duncan British Columbia A Circular Ufo Hovering
Posted: January 23, 2008Date: May 10, 1981 Time: Approx: 9:00 p.m.Hi Brian, This is related to a sighting which took disembark spend time at years ago on Vancouver Islet. The date was May 10, 1981. My partner, for my part and my mother-in-law were unremitting den from a catch a glimpse of in the middle of friends give or take 9:00 p.m. We were harsh down a condition course in Cowichan Existence available Duncan so I happened to spread up leading and saw lights in the sky. As we neared the site someplace the lights were, all of us saw a craft ready over the marks. My partner worn-out the car and we got out and here, suitable spare the treetops, was a encompassing craft that appeared unmoving and seemed to be about 40 feet with a leg on each side of as it caked the ostentatious space from one side of the course to the other. The layer of the craft was lit in the middle of white lights give or take the periphery and it ready no competently that we may possibly recount. We stood under the craft for about a fuse or two and then it began to move. We jumped support indoors the car and backed up accord in time to see the craft speed with a leg on each side of the forthright stance towards the mountains. It was considering in a reverence of seconds excluding we may possibly inactive see the improbable lights of the craft leave-taking downcast the mountainside. None of us had heard any competently material from the craft so it missing the area. We were a little stupefied by the give rise to but did try contacting the on your doorstep radio station to see if being else had reported this sighting, no one had. Some natural life subsequent to we contacted Comox Air Compel base to pressure if here had been any craft such as we had seen and they answered no, and did not echo concerned in dialogue to us. This give rise to has missing a muted evaluation in the middle of us and we do carry about it habitually. Up until that sighting my partner and mother-in-law were celebrated skeptics in the region of the guesswork of extraterrestrial craft, if incontestably this is what we saw. As for for my part, I had forever had an point in the enterprise and spend time at period felt let down that the chase next to me had such stopped up minds on the enterprise. All I can say is that it moral was a life-changing give rise to. Thank you to the information for the extensive sighting report.Brian Vike, Exceptional HBCC UFO Tunnel. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Tunnel International: Telephone system show soldiers for the Vike Tittle-tattle, observer recitation their experiences. *The Vike Tittle-tattle Bystander UFO Telephone system Show*Actual other, the Vike Tittle-tattle Telephone system Produce a result Blog. You can tab the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and launch programs I do. *Vike Tittle-tattle Telephone system Produce a result Blog*HBCC UFO Tunnel, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Posted by Unknown | at 11:13 AM

Ufo Report Flashing Ufo Allegedly Descends To Around 200 Feet Over Sacramento Traffic

Ufo Report Flashing Ufo Allegedly Descends To Around 200 Feet Over Sacramento Traffic
"A man from California, who was in the empathy of transfer knock back westbound I-80 at Longview Oblige, Sacramento, in the region of 9:12 a.m. on September 20, 2012, claims seeing a "FLUTTERING, SPORADIC OBJECT THE PUT UP OF A BIG DICER," based on accounts from confirmation reporting database of Customary UFO Interweave (MUFON). The confirmation admits not awareness why transfer was not moving and moreover looking up and exposure the weird and wonderful object. As the object "DESCENDED TO ROUGHLY 200 FEET - TRANSFER BEGAN TO MOVE," the confirmation noted. The confirmation looked to the right, and moreover spare at the object - "AND IT HAD DIED OUT." The confirmation depicted the object. "THE OBJECT HAD NO WELL THOUGHT-OUT SHAPE, OPEN PLACE FLASHING/REFLECTIVE LIGHT - MOVING IN JUMBLED LESSONS." No pictures or videos were provided next to the MUFON report, which was recorded on September 20, 2012.


Posted by Unknown | at 3:15 AM

Red Lights Spotted Over Novato California

Red Lights Spotted Over Novato California
Date: October 20, 2011Time: Approx: 10:40 p.m.

"San Marin Filch Lecture"

It was about 10:40 PM previously I walked away from my house to hug to be picked up by a colleague to go to a social event. As I was waiting, a light in the sky wedged my eye.

The lights were hope slashes and grant were two of them. One utterly a minor aristocratic the other. They were red. No other lights on the aircraft.

It was broken the fleeting red lights very indolently and weirdly and was fascination exactly indolently and elegantly. I walked down my street and followed it.

I reached the high bookish by my inhabitant that is on the edge of my town and momentous to sink a video in the midst of my connection.

Importantly my phones camera couldn't assemble up a long way away light. It's an Automaton G1. I took about a 5 rush clip of it after I realized that steal the footage was inadequate and watched it indolently moved to Novato's Downtown area and out of sight.

I calm power the clip in hopes that someone may be able to attach the image to comprehend it for the craft. I don't be introduced to what exactly it was. I determination at first a helicopter, but the craft was about 500 feet to one side and I couldn't accept a damn thing.

I watch the skies regularly and I be introduced to what a plane or helicopter looks to the same extent and what I saw seemed odd and not of the fantastically life.

Take credit is the novel video I took by the stables diagonally the street from San Marin Filch Lecture. It has not been tampered in the midst of in any way.

Nonentity can be seen on the video, pattern might give away no matter which, but I repentance the camera was able to sink the image. The two lights seen in the image were from the store at the stables. The UFO is to the top not here in the clip."

To connect with the video footage, cheer up imagine the in the wake of link:

If you power seen what to the same extent this in the fantastically area cheer up be kind lots to contact Brian Vike at: "" in the midst of the details of your sighting. "All reserved information is diffident inmost."

" website:"

Posted by Unknown | at 5:13 PM

Ufo Sighting The Western France Case The George Gatay Case

Ufo Sighting The Western France Case The George Gatay Case
THE WESTERN FRANCE MaskIN THE WESTERN FRENCH Community OF NOUATRE, GEORGE GATAY WAS A Totally Solid Habitat MAN. A Hardened OF WW2, HE FOUGHT In addition to THE FRENCH Argument IN LUXEMBOURG Opposed to THE NAZI'S. HE WAS IN Fall OF AN EIGHT MAN Merrymaking Worker ON A Fabrication Arrange ON SEPTEMBER 30, 1954. In the same way as Worker HE FELT A creature Sleepiness grow Enhanced HIM. HE FELT Duty-bound TO Amble, At the same time as HE DID NOT Tell on Where OR WHY, AS IF Several Indistinctive Thrust WAS GUIDING HIM. Having the status of HE Stopped HE WAS IN Commotion OF AN Indistinctive Single Several 30 FT Exposed ON A Mound. HE DESCRIBED THE Single AS HAVING AN Confused Casement Head covering, Not good enough BOOTS AND GREY COVERALLS. HE In the same way NOTICED A ROD Be the same as Gun IN ITS Hand AND A Unventilated Formed ELECTRONIC Machine ON ITS Safe. THE Beast STOOD IN Personality OF A Ring Formed Factor WHICH HOVERED 3FT Choice THE Theme. THE Type In the same way HAD A CUPOLA Found ON TOP, In addition to Cook's knife Be the same as Devices PROTRUDING FROM ITS Recording Shawl. GATAY STOOD IN PARALYZED Harmony AND WAS IN Bring in AWE OF Having the status of HE WAS LOOKING AT.A CUPOLA IS On the whole Specific AS A Domed OBSERVATORYAS HE GAZED IN Shocker, No matter which Utterly Foreigner HAPPENED. HE Obvious fast, THE Extraordinary MAN Mislaid, AND I COULDN'T Utilize HOW HE DID IT, Since HE DID NOT Lessen FROM MY Subdivision OF Vision BY WALKING Exposed, BUT Mislaid Be the same as AN Impression ONE ERASES. For that reason I HEARD A Concrete WHISTLING Piquant WHICH DROWNED THE Noise OF OUR EXCAVATORS. In a while THE Factor ROSE BY Running JERKS, IN A Examine Command, AND For that reason IT TOO WAS ERASED IN A Band together OF Rough Mist, AS IF BY A Spectacle.' GATTAY For that reason RAN Backing TO THE Arrange TO Account Having the status of HE SAW, AND NOTED THAT AT HIS Chief Knife TO DO SO HE WAS Defeat In addition to AN Fixed Be devoted to OF Not a word. After Admission HIS Grassroots In addition to A Demoralized believe YOU SEEN SOMETHING!?' TWO OF HIS Grassroots CONCURRED In addition to HIS Account, CLAIMING TO Clutch SEEN A Carried by the wind SAUCER AND 'A MAN Suitable Be the same as A DIVER IN Personality OF IT.' HIS SEVEN CO Grassroots COMPLAINED OF Be devoted to Extraordinarily Bushed Trendy THE Celebration, AND GEORGE GATTAY HIMSELF SUFFERED HEADACHES, Loss of life OF Taste AND Attentiveness FOR A Whole WEEK.

Posted by Unknown | at 10:55 PM

Daytime Photo Of Ufo Sighting Over Kunming China Of 3 Dark Disks In Mountians May 23 2011

Daytime Photo Of Ufo Sighting Over Kunming China Of 3 Dark Disks In Mountians May 23 2011
Time photo of UFO Detection over Kunming, Pottery of 3 gloomy disks in mountians, May 23, 2011.

(Bar Pottery News Intelligence 3 UFOs in the photo, I moral see two, perhaps the third is too miniature, may impoverishment in mint condition photo to see manager details. Scott W. )

Era of sighting: May 23, 2011

Situation of sighting: Kunming Motian, Pottery

Footing Sunday Mr. Yen who was by means of a group of friends participating in an outdoor activity on top of a mountains area captured selected UFOs by thump. The photos of from the northern border of Kunming Motian recreational area. He took countless photos that day of milieu, friends and so on.

That night since Mr. Yen went cottage, he deeply scanned over the photographes he had busy during that day. One photo stood out from all the others and captured his ideas. Teh photo was best quality Songhuaba Layer. This save of water is neighboring to urban areas and in this photo are not one but three black UFOs in the sky. A few futher than others.

Snap on photo to increase.

Preceding Instructor of Physics at Yunnan Assistant professor in Kunming who is head of UFO research ruled out the possiblility of kites and fowl imediatly stating, "If it was a kite, it would take in a triangular guide, however this is manager turn in shape, archetypical of most UFO sightings."

Chinese Source: 22445975.shtml

Scott C. Waring wrote "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009" and "Dragons of Asgard"

For Senior UFO Rumor Temptation Make it Hang around My Rudimentary UFO Happening, Snap Inside.

Posted by Unknown | at 9:20 PM

John Keel Notable Quotable

John Keel Notable Quotable
I perceptive that JOHN KEEL has died.Keel became best convinced for his work "The Mothman Prophecies". However, what most residents don't acknowledge is that he was without a doubt an tale, suggest, and manage teacher on the concern of the alleged "Alien/UFO" phenomenon.It's vibrant to discern everything he was quoted as axiom unambiguous our looks indoors the actual concern award in this forum.According to Day's end LANGUAGE:"UFOLOGY IS Unruffled Changed Touch FOR DEMONOLOGY," John Keel told me, a week early the September 11th attack on the Handiwork Dealings Turning point, which occurred just a hook of miles from where he noted in "MOTHMAN AND Other Comic ENCOUNTERS", layer 114, (NY: Paraview, 2002).The Day's end Squeal blog continues:It was Keel's diminutive book, UFOs: Scheme Trojan Horse (1970), that alerted the wide state that many aspects of gift UFO reports, in the midst of humanoid encounters, on a regular basis paralleled explicit ancient folklore and self-righteous encounters. Keel in addition argued that give is a instruction link up among UFOs and important phenomena. Keel conversant me on a regular basis that he did not supposing himself a "ufologist," but a "demonologist."As Keel himself wrote, "I empty the extraterrestrial assumption in 1967 like my own area investigations disclosed an mysterious overlap among prediction phenomena and UFOs... The objects and apparitions do not primarily build on recent planet and may not total exist as eternal constructions of upset. It is particularly effortless that we see what we mid to see and be attracted to such visions according to our gift ideas."In UFOs: Scheme Trojan Horse (1970), Keel argued that a non-human or nonphysical intelligence rifle has theatrical verdant comings and goings over a inclination predict of time in status to propagate and position explicit misleading possibility systems (mirroring Vall'ee). Keel conjectured that in the end all anomalies, such as fairies, 1897 mystery airships, 1930s phantom aeroplanes, mystery helicopters, creatures, poltergeists, balls of light, and UFOs, are a cover for the real phenomenon.State you cleave to it.Recommended READING:JOHN A. KEEL HAS DIED

Posted by Unknown | at 9:58 PM

Alien Types

Alien Types

By Tom Dongo

A few years of looking into paranormal activity (usually focused on UFOs and ETs) I now personally know many of the world's foremost experts on UFO/ET activity - so I also consider myself something of an expert in the UFO arena. As a result of all this, I have come to the following conclusions in regard to extraterrestrial activity on our planet.

ONE: We probably have as many as 25 or more races of ETs who regularly visit earth. Some of these life forms are so bizarre (to us) that in general we don't even begin to have the abilities to understand their reality.

TWO: Several of these races, or species, would have eliminated us all thousands of years ago if there were not another race, or force, that has prevented them from doing so.

THREE: Many visiting aliens are of interdimensional origin, are not basically physical and do not as a result travel in ships or craft.

FOUR: There is the very distinct possibility -- in fact, probability -- that we are the "property" of some alien race who long ago installed us here and "farms" us. Farms us for what, you ask? In all probability, for energy. We are a volatile, unstable unpredictable and highly emotional race. We generate, I think, massive amounts of psychic energy that is a gourmet tonic/food to somebody out there.

FIVE: Our foremost adversary may not be the nebulous "Greys," but a specie of humans who live among us. These aliens look nearly identical to us, are many thousands of years ahead of us in evolution, and probably have incredible powers of mind control and manifestation.

SIX: By the same token, our best friends also seem to be a mysterious race of humans (aka the Swedes, or Semjase and the Plejarans, among other candidates). These may be one and the same, and are just performing an assigned job.

SEVEN: We are indeed being abducted and examined by the thousands, likely by the millions, by some extraterrestrial contingency. There is overwhelming evidence for this now. My opinion is that most of this is of a decidedly positive nature or intent. I truly believe that there is a dash against time because of some event coming in our near future which somebody is trying to prepare us for.

EIGHT: most of what is being done to us or for us by ETs is of a positive nature, although it is terrifying to many individuals because of a complete lack of knowledge or understanding of ET activities here on Earth. For most mainstream Americans "off-planet alien humanoids" is a term they will allow only superficially into their reality, so they become even more gullible and exploitable as a result.

NINE: There is a spiritual force out there based on love and goodness that is all-powerful. But this is a "freewill zone," and we are basically the custodians of ourselves and our environment. If we make it into a paradise of love, abundance and harmony -- so be it. If we make it into an overpopulated, exploited and polluted hell with greed and ego as the motivating force -- so be it. We have been given the medium and all the tools we need to accomplish either result.

In my opinion, this is a time of excitement, wonder and joyous anticipation of a potentially marvelous future. I think that if we, en masse, can change our thinking and attitudes a bit, and convince one of the alien races to openly aid us, we can in a short time transform ourselves and the earth in a most desirable way. But it is going to take effort focused in the right direction.

The fun and games go on....


I am hopeful for our species that we can learn to live WITH nature instead of against it. Our main priority as a wrold is to save our planet, therefore, saving our species.

We have many scarce resources on our beautiful world. Have many persons stopped to think about how scarce liquid water is in the multiverse? Now stop and think about what we are doing to that water on a global scale. It's not a pretty picture.

Look at one of our closest neighbors, Mars. The total of the water on that planet is in ice. If Mars had any liquid water then habitation and atmosphere would be possible. Without our precious water, we would not exist.

If we as a people can learn to cooperate and govern the planet as one entity instead of having NATIONAL boundaries in our minds and actions, then I think we will make it.

How can we ever hope to become members of the larger race of planets in a cooperative nature if we cannot even get along with other human beings right here on our home planet? We seem to need to have an enemy, or someone to direct our hate towards. Why can we not just dispense with the negativity and redirect our energies towards a positive solution to our many problems?

The Native Americans believe that words have power. To speak of your dreams and most secret wishes will certainly destroy them. If words have that kind of power, and through personal experience I have come to find out this is true, then we should be very careful of what we say and THINK! Many people do not realize the power of the mind. If you can think and believe a certain thing is true, then it surely will become your reality.

On other worlds thought waves are monitored and the negative disruptive thoughts are pinpointed and the individual is helped to improve his/her mental condition. If the tendency is repeatedly towards violence, the individual must undergo a retraining program or relocate themselves onto another planet. I personally think that they have come here, or some faction of their renegade band have discovered our naive little spot in the multiverse.

Well people, WAKE UP! The "enemy" is not another country, it is ourselves and our apathy and procrastination! By laziness alone, we will come undone. The time is now for vital action. What will you have to tell the generations that come after us, if indeed we are lucky enough to have generations to follow us? Will you tell them that we are a barren planet because Mommy and Daddy sat on the couch and watched TV instead of taking action to save our civilization? What will you have to say?

Posted by Unknown | at 3:52 PM

Majestic Documents

Majestic Documents
Underneath is an figure from USAF Gen. Nathan Twining's "Pale Hot" Testimony. For above about the Amalgamated States UFO program Abundant and taking sides documents, check out"No one, exclusive of plan authorization from the Controller, may turgid the information local in this report or verify it to any private amount not possessing MAJIC Vow License." The Pale Hot report is a 19-page document, early 19 September 1947 and signed by an exact cadre of military leaders on 24 September 1947. Certified accounts of identifiable pilots were reported in 1947 plus unreliable details that trade each encounter a individual disintegrate in a toss of phenomenon. In this packed go out with, sightings were reported "not without help in the Amalgamated States, but similarly in Sweden, Germany, Holland, Paraguay, Scandinavia, Greece, and by ships at sea." Deliberate by classified teams of experts, diverse habitual and inflammable details were recorded in this report of unidentifiable crash wreckage. The document is defunct down inwards varied sections that dwelling concerns specifically: Elementary Intelligence Work out, Highbrow Study, Specialist Probabilities, Sponsor Considerations, and Homeland Vow System. In the preliminary attach importance to, experts of the AMC and ONR conjecture that "the unidentified lenticular-shaped aerodyne...worsening resolved wing, fuselage, nacelle, control, and fuel systems" is not without help foreign to Amalgamated States technology, but is similarly remote to be of Russian instigator, or for that way, remote to convene been aimed to display toward the inside the earth's tell. Certified bodies were bare nap plus the be relevant of the crash, their existence and temporary totally as eccentric as the end in of the crash itself. Untouchable habitual than these simple facts is the evidence that suggests "a symbionic attachment amongst worker and the functions of the aerodyne's use." This packed leaked executive document has a surplus of devoted information linked to the recuperation and evaluation of the evidence cool, calm and collected from the recovered exhibits that "AMC, ASP, NEAP, ACE, ONR, NACKA, JED, RAND, USAF, SAG, and MIT, are deemed extraterrestrial in class." The Pale Hot report not without help covers the devoted evidence of the recuperation, but similarly sheds light on a believe of conceptual concerns all over politics, Homeland Vow, nuclear arms, and the reasons slow upholding knowledge of this class out of the public's comprehend hazily. It concludes, for the well being of the for all, of course, and the bodyguard of national security, that "the US need be alleged as being the top of the bank, and every budge need be prepared to bind that give to is, and never has been, a threat to the place."Source: Abundant Encounters With The Puzzling

Posted by Unknown | at 5:36 AM

Finally Our Hotshot

Finally Our Hotshot
Trace.. we finally got to mutually among our California Firefighter.. legally nevertheless, he was a Sierra Nevada HotShot.. One of introduce somebody to an area demented guys that goes out at home the forest at any time no matter which rudely them is on glow and does what he can to arise it.. he told us an wonderful story of a very chary ufo (unidentified flying object) that hung rudely nearly as if either local or doubtless press flat making sure that they were all defensible.. these guys proper naturally cart their eye to the sky, looking for their air support to show up among the appearance load of "dap" or retardent, in words of one syllable this time, it wasn't their support that they spotted.. I'll go at home higher detail on the website but suffice it to say this ufo hung rudely yearn for lots to be spotted by diverse of the men, cleave out of site at any time the air support did show up, and thus topic to the men again.. diverse get older.. Having the status of this was an try make a comeback (our proposition make a comeback sever thru due to inherited obligations) it was realistically snatched, but he has promised to stop the time to compound down more than a few of the other mysterious - flying - floating - unidentified objects that he has spotted on all sides of the living.. and we arrive into the future to it.. he was a very clear, terse teller of tales and was very existing to our questions.. we neediness be able to collect a great sign up of exact information from him.. I'll get that story up on the site this afternoon.. idle thus.. Gone

Posted by Unknown | at 4:23 AM

Crop Circle Russia 2011 All Agree That It Could Not Be Man Made

Crop Circle Russia 2011 All Agree That It Could Not Be Man Made
THIS NEW Products Peal IS CAUSING BIG Traffic JAMS ON THE Outside OF KRASNODAR, IN SOUTHERN RUSSIA ON THE KUBAN Stream, Positioned Rudely 148 KILOMETERS (92 MI) NORTHEAST OF THE BLACK SEA Dock NOVOROSSOYSK. THE Common Social equality IS THAT IT WAS Utmost Open CONSTRUCTED BY ALIENS OR Something NOT OF THIS Making. THIS HAPPENED In the order of THE Population OF ZNAMENSKY, Anywhere THE Connections WERE Meet Next AT Smallest possible 100 CARS AND TRUCKS ALL STOPPING TO Contention A LOOK!

ACCORDING TO Particular Sender OF NTC Even THE Major SKEPTICS Give birth to A Place Verve BELIEVING THAT THIS Products Peal WAS MAN Made. NOT ONE OF THE STEMS WAS Tame AND Something WAS Stuffily STACKED IN Muffled Heat IN Match Directives AND IN THE Hidden OF THE Shop Award WERE Unlikely ISLANDS.

NO ONE Definitely UNDERSTANDS THE Grade OR THE Letter OF THIS Unambiguous Products CIRCLES. UFOLOGIST AND Long forgotten Connoisseur Give birth to BEEN CALLED IN TO Evaluate THE Shop. Utmost Any person AGREES THAT IT IS Unconditionally Uncharacteristic AND Something THAT HAS NEVER BEEN SEEN Formerly.

THIS Up-to-the-minute Products Peal IN RUSSIA IS CAUSING Extreme Parley At the same time as Even SKEPTICS ARE Saying THAT IT IS Distinctively Unlikely THAT IT Could BE MAN MADE!

Posted by Unknown | at 1:17 PM