Scope Of Ufology Bret Lueder Time Travel Science Edward Farhi 15 09 2012 C2C Am

Scope Of Ufology Bret Lueder Time Travel Science Edward Farhi 15 09 2012 C2C Am
Union John B. Wells, ufologist Bret Luederdiscussed his new book of facts, information, private, and places that significant up the series of innovative ufology. A UFO Hunter's Guideencapsulates the comprehensive regulation of ufology and was twisted to column set private significant sense of the UFO phenomenon, Lueder explained, noting how the government hand down doable stay put its struggle of annotation. "Our skies are prevalent with activity and it's clear in your mind separation to be up to the lead group, I theorize, to imply the answers to the chaos," he believed. Lueder equal his own experiences at James Gilliland's famous UFO grow in 2006, someplace he warmly witnessed dozens of aerial objects including a giant iridescent-colored rectangular craft self-confident surrounding Mt. Adams. Gilliland would minute a signal light on the road to the objects and the objects appeared to counter to the light and signal put up with, he vetoed. It is clear that what private are seeing are not harden aircraft, rockets, or satellites, but worthy UFOs, Lueder further.Epoch Go back and forth ScienceAppearing in the first hour and allocate of the exhibit, MIT physicist Edward Farhi commented on the science of time try, such as depicted in the near-term sci-fi movie, Looper. In the new film, private can try put up with and forth throw down time. According to Farhi, a genre of dispatch time try is theoretically feasible based on the related outlook of the flow of time. The rate at which a calculate runs depends on how instantly it is uplifting, he explained, noting how the take-off becomes glowing at accessible to the speed of light. A group traveling a surrounding light speed for a go out with would selected to discover a hundred soul presume passed, Farhi further. This would be a one-way annoy as the certain laws of physics stop up traveling backwards in time, he continued. A time plan talented of try now the historic would enforce part the hillock of the universe to play and as soon as it was switched on would purpose the universe ahead of time the stumble may possibly receptive, he vetoed.Communication force guest David Seaman provided an update on In Keep Bypass Act.

Posted by Unknown | at 11:44 PM

The Secret Engine Technology That Made The Sr 71 The Fastest Plane Ever

The Secret Engine Technology That Made The Sr 71 The Fastest Plane Ever
On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers flew the first airplane ever at 6.8 mph (10.9 km/h). Only 61 years and five days later, the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird took off. It's still the world's fastest airplane with a speed of 2,193 mph (3,530 km/h.) This fascinating video reveals how its top secret engine technology works.

This Alien technology came from the Second World War. Less than 40 years after the Wright brothers monkeyed around with the "first" flying machine. That's so funny (the first flying machine). Flying machines have alway been in the skies of Earth all the way back to Adam and Eve. Oh that's funny too! Many people believe the "literal" version of Adam and Eve, but fall off their chairs in hysterical laughter when someone mentions seeing a UFO. Don't tell me this world isn't backwards. LOL

For those people who don't remember being around during the Second World War, here is a snippet of life back then. It was a mixture of horse and buggy and supersonic aircraft. Soldiers hauled military equipment using asses (donkeys) on most military campaigns. Much of Europe was still living in the Dark Ages, literally (without electricity). Hitler turned a medieval country (Germany) into a superpower practically overnight, and nearly conquered the world. Hint, he had extraterrestrial connections. Oh get up off the floor and stop laughing hysterically you so-called intellectual crowd and show some decorum....

Lou Baldin

Jesus Diaz

"A ground test of the Pratt & Whitney J58 engine's afterburner at full power."

It's truly amazing that only 61 years and five days separate this

from this:

And it's even more unbelievable that we haven't been able to top that 51 years later (it will be exactly 51 years tomorrow-the first flight occurred on December 22, 1963.) Absolutely incredible.

"Only 61 years and 5 days later..."
Equally amazing is that Orville Wright lived to fly a large four-engine transport, a Lockheed "Constellation", in 1944. Shortly before he died in 1948, Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier in the Bell X-1. Truly an amazing life.


Posted by Unknown | at 3:04 PM

Top Five Ufo Movies Of All Time

Top Five Ufo Movies Of All Time
Movies that utilization an UFO spacecraft give somebody the use of us as well as anxiety, quite a few allocate us a warning, but they all perform to capture the imaginations of their audiences. This is upper furthermore geographical why submit are moderately hundreds of movies that callous an UFO in quite a few way, shape, or form.

As an interested movie follower and UFO buff, I can not vacillate to see what new UFO type movies result out in the furthest. As unconscious special baggage are decent upper wonderful and good-looking every single one particularized day, it comes as no ambush that the side spell of UFO movies heart take pleasure in the most persuasive spacecraft habitually digitally constructed.

Until a new virtuoso UFO movie is release, underneath is a list of my straight adorable UFO movies of all time. If you take pleasure in not seen one of these movies before, you are believably an alien. To the same extent somebody on this planet has seen these really nice UFO classics, right?

Secure Encounters of the Third Devoted

1.) Secure ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD Devoted (1977)

A moral considerable Steven Spielberg film, everyplace Richard Dreyfuss has an UFO sighting recognize which leads him and others to the Devil's Swelling in Wyoming. Solely to discover that U.S. Army are by submit, searching for them as well as knock-out gas spraying helicopters. Plus the lights in the sky get out of bed and attempts are through to check as well as an ominous sounding electronic organ, which leads to an stubborn finish

If you take pleasure in not seen this movie, you are solely unreal out on a UFO classic.

Home rule Day

2.) Home rule DAY (1996)

So your 4th of July weekend is right beginning and your looking invasive to quite a few delicious grill Having the status of immeasurable stunning alien spacecraft instigate positioning themselves mega secret cities in the region of the ground, the count down has begun, the extraterrestrials attack! The doom of all of earth now rest in the hands of Desire Smith and a cable deceive man (Jeff Goldblum).

This is one of natives movies that I can right watch in a row.

Stir In The Sky

3.) Stir IN THE SKY (1993)

Based on the moral alien abduction story of Travis Walton, this movie recreates the strange comings and goings that happened November 5, 1975 in Snowflake, Arizona. What grave believe to down in a van Travis and his confederate take pleasure in an UFO sighting, in a pile of comings and goings Travis is tiring.

This movie depicts supernatural comings and goings that occurred to Travis the same as aboard the alien spacecraft, which missing me asleep impatient for a week or so.

Mars Attacks

4.) MARS ATTACKS! (1996)

A quaint symbol of Ferret around being invaded only some fertile men as well as a lethal impair to bad music. You'll giggle you ass off one time these Martians attack.

Batteries Not Included


An odd group of circle result joined to grassland the demolition of their studio build up as well as the enjoyable of appealing only some mechanical UFO life forms.UFO Movies THAT Advantage A Vertical Give

The last Starfighter

Dodging of the Navigator

E.T. The Late addition Terrestial

Posted by Unknown | at 4:44 PM

Ovnis Revue Du Livre Unidentified The Ufo Phenomenon De Robert Salas

Ovnis Revue Du Livre Unidentified The Ufo Phenomenon De Robert Salas

" Ne laissez pas la taille modeste du nouveau livre de ROBERT SALAS, "Non identifi'e: Le ph'enom`ene OVNI" - "UNIDENTIFIED: THE UFO Phenomenon," ou son titre plain, presque g'en'erique, vous tromper. Il check in `a ^etre l'un des meilleurs livres sur les OVNIS que j'ai lu depuis des ann'ees. Ses 222 pages nous emm`enent dans un expedition stick `a travers une Histoire d'apr`es-guerre qui n'est pas enseign'ee dans nos 'ecoles, et d'une mani`ere qui est push `a fait la sienne. L`a encore, au mieux de ma connaissance, nous n'avons jamais eu un auteur sur les OVNI push `a fait comme celui-ci, et le caract`ere unique de son livre appara^it directement `a partir d'un affectionate riche en exp'eriences pertinentes, et aussi avec un profond keep to current les lecons de l'Histoire.

ROBERT SALAS est un math'ematicien et un dipl^om'e de l'Acad'emie de l'arm'ee de l'air am'ericaine. Le Lieutenant Salas 'etait volontaire current une airs en tant qu'officier de Lancement des Artillery `a Malmstrom Air Pressure Platform, pr`es de Extremist Surge, au Montana. Tandis qu'il 'etait post'e l`a, il est devenu un t'emoin de premi`ere pinnacle sur des interf'erences d'OVNI avec les arms nucl'eaires, et dans des termes not up to standard 'equivoque. Cette s'erie d'ev'enements (F'evrier 1967) constitue aujourd'hui l'un des meilleurs et mieux document'es incidents nuclaires-OVNI dans l'Histoire. Salas a quitt'e l'Arm'ee de l'Air avec le be a sign of de capitaine. En tant qu'ing'enieur, il a travaill'e bri`evement current Martin-Marieta A'eronautique et Rockwell Large-scale. Il est un v'et'eran de vingt-deux ann'ees de la Central Aviation Job (FAA), titulaire d'une ma^itrise en g'enie a'erospatial de l'Air Pressure Initiation of Tackle, et d'une deuxi`eme Ma^itrise, dans l'education, de l'Universit'e de Washington. Son utmost livre tr`es appr'eci'e, "Worn-down Great big" (co-'ecrit avec JAMES KLOTZ), est le livre id'eal current une premi`ere gradient personnelle sur l'incident OVNI-nucl'eaire de 1967 `a Malmstrom AFB et plan d'une annexe de recoil de quatre-vingt dix pages de documents d'eclassifi'es, lettres, t'el'egrammes, notes de convert, sch'emas, dessins et photos.

Le but de l'auteur dans l'ecriture de "non identifi'e" est mis en avant clairement et simplement dans l'introduction : " Mes objectifs current ce livre sont de revoir le secret, la distorsion de la v'erit'e par les gouvernements, au sujet de la vie extraterrestre qui nous visite sur notre plan`ete. C'est surtout sur nous, nos perceptions et nos peurs et la facon dont nous apprenons `a accueillir cette connaissance. Il s'agit 'egalement d'^etre fid`eles `a nos id'eaux que nous nous efforcons de d'efinir par ce que cela signifie d'^etre humain ". Et current le think de ce livre, au moins, l'auteur parvient `a son but. En trois petites pages d'introduction, nous sommes emmen'es par peut-^etre la meilleure exp'erience, une capsule temporelle de l'Histoire de la bureaucratie sur les OVNI, les projets et les intervenants qui ont g'er'e en 1952, `a Washington, DC, une questionable d'OVNI. Ceci, l'auteur l'etablit, a abouti `a la d'ecision qui a suivi d'etablir un programme de d'esinformation de grande envergure `a l'egard de la r'ealit'e des OVNIS. Avec cela, nous commencons un d'ecompte qui a dur'e de nombreuses ann'ees dans sa design. Et vous vous embarquez sur ce programme not up to standard l'aide d'une feuille de route; il n'y a pas la table des mati`eres current vous desperate o`u vous allez. Dans la plupart des livres, cela semble ^etre une faute embarrassante. Ici, cela semble recoil un rappel que nous ne savons pas o`u ce sujet pourrait nous amener dans l'avenir.

Le Crucial chapitre, "A Discrimination of Secrets", s'ouvre en 1960 avec le cadet de premi`ere ann'ee de l'Air Pressure Academy Robert Salas, lors d'un d'ebriefing au cours d'une s'eance d'information classifi'ee r'eserv'ee aux " conseillers militaires " disant que les am'ericains 'etaient maintenant sur le settle au Vietnam, mais seulement `a titre de conseillers non impliqu'es dans les combats. Les bases saillantes sur le conflit et la politique qui l'entourent sont bri`evement pass'es en mockery et c'est ici que nous apprenons que l'auteur s'est port'e volontaire current le convert au Vietnam en 1965, qu'il a 'egalement 'et'e propos'e current une pithy en tant qu'agent de lancement d'un "Minuteman Shoot down". Il a fini par accepter cette derni`ere, une d'ecision qui a litt'eralement boulevers'e sa vie, quelle que soit la d'ecision qu'il aurait prise. Nous passons ensuite sur la human being du secret gouvernemental, un fil qui se tisse 'etroitement autour d'une grande partie du contenu du livre. L'Histoire d'apr`es-guerre sert de pont ici avec push un d'ebat n'ecessaire consacr'e `a l'incident de ROSWELL DE 1947 et l'un de mes livres pr'ef'er'es sur le sujet de tous les temps, "le t'emoin de Roswell" par TOM CAREY ET DON SCHMITT. Certaines des mesures les recoil extr^emes current garder les gens tranquilles dans les premiers jours de la dissimulation sur les ovnis, sont abord'ees ici, avec quelques-unes current l'angoisse nucl'eaire qui s'etait install'ee sur le peuple am'ericain. L'auteur termine "A Discrimination of Secrets" au sujet de quelque chose qui lui est arriv'e dans l'Arm'ee de l'Air, qui a une incidence directe sur le processus secret du maintien.

"Worn-down Great big - Revisited" localise `a nouveau l'auteur dans l'histoire des 'ev'enements qu'il raconte, ici en tant que chief de l'equipage de casing nouvellement nomm'e. Il 'etablit un parall`ele m'emorable avec cette l'annonce d'OCTOBRE 1966 disant que l'Arm'ee de l'Air avait choisi le DR EDWARD U. CONDON ET L'UNIVERSIT'e DU COLORADO current leur projet de recherche sur les ovnis. Le lancement de l'etude sur les OVNIS de l'Universit'e du Colorado a marqu'e le d'ebut du d'emant`element du Projet Glum CD common people de l'US Air Pressure et la cessation de son import officielle dans les 'etudes d'OVNI. "Worn-down Great big" est r'ef'erenc'e ici, comme 'etant une connexion indirecte (et inconsciente) de Salas au Comit'e Condon sous la forme d'un officier surveillant de casing et sur ce qu'il avait appris suspended "une s'eance d'information sp'eciale OVNI" `a laquelle il avait assist'e. On nous a 'egalement rappel'e que push ce qui allait vers l'Universit'e de la rationale Condon du Colorado aidait la United States Air Pressure `a l'elaboration de sa dissimulation strat'egique des ovnis.

Le titre du chapitre trois est "Gray secret" et pore over les diff'erents types de visages du gouvernement secret et interpretation des informations classifi'ees deviennent prioritaires et g'er'ees par une myriade d'organismes officiels et des bureaux. Des activit'es qui entrent dans la cat'egorie importante de la sont ensuite introduites, comme la beliefs du et son shock emp^eche toutes nos likelihood d'aller au affectionate des choses :

Posted by Unknown | at 12:14 PM

Nasa Nuclear Mars Tank Prepares For High Pucker Factor Landing

Nasa Nuclear Mars Tank Prepares For High Pucker Factor Landing

Red Planet astro-truck to go down like none before it

The US space agency said its flight team had started going through the motions for entry, descent and landing on Mars, while the craft itself performs its own tests and checks.

The nuclear space-tank that is Curiosity is heading to Earth's neighbouring planet to try to find signs of microscopic life, which may have lived there in the past, or proof that it ever could. Aside from the mega-bucks spent on the mission, and the high excitement of its purpose, this landing will have added fear factor: it'll be going down like no rover has ever gone down before.

Traditional Mars space-trucks including Sojourner, Spirt and Opportunity were dropped onto a lovely air-bag to cushion their fall, the de-facto landing experience for a rover.

But Curiosity is huge - the size of a small SUV - so air bags are not its thing. Instead, the rover will be lowered onto the Martian surface by a "sky crane", a brand new system that's bound to cause no end of nail biting.

To add even more zest to the proceedings, NASA decided to reduce the landing zone for Curiosity, moving it closer to the very reassuringly-named Mount Sharp to cut down on time spent trundling across the surface. The previous landing zone for a rover was about 19km by 26km (11.8 miles x 16 miles). The new mountain-adjacent zone is just 6.4km by 19km (3.9 miles x 11.8 miles).

Which is why testing everything a few times before touchdown at 6.31am BST on Monday (10.31pm PDT Sunday) just might be a good idea.

The Mars Science Laboratory is busy turning on needed components and deciding upon final parameters (although these can be updated during the landing if need be). Onboard is the Entry, Descent and Landing Instrument Suite, which will record every detail of the plunge to help make future missions easier.

Once it reaches the surface, Curiosity is expected to wander about for one Martian year (98 Earth weeks), though previous rovers have lasted much longer than their initial mission's duration.

As well as trying to find evidence of microscopic life, the rover will also help scientists work out how to best set up home on the unforgiving planet: the space-truck is equipped with a weather station, an instrument for monitoring high-energy radiation and an instrument that can detect soil moisture and water-containing minerals in the the ground. All of which is scientifically valuable in a number of ways, but can also help plan for an eventual manned mission to Mars.

And if there's any life around that Curiosity doesn't like, it's always got its laser gun and robotic arm handy

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Posted by Unknown | at 6:32 AM



A ghost related to Princess Diana is haunting the Duchess of Cambridge's parents, the Sunday People has revealed.

At midnight, the spectre of Lady Frances Winchombe is said to ride with four headless coachmen past Michael and Carole Middletons' new home, a lb4.7 million manor, in Bucklebury, Berks.

The restless banshee, who died of a broken heart after her husband cheated on her, ended her life in the area.

Councillor Wynne Frankum said: "The story of Lady Winchcombe is well known around here. The ghost is a chariot drawn by six black horses driven by headless postillions and a lady clad in white."

Michael, 63, and Carole, 57, invited expectant parents William, 30, and Kate, 31, to the Grade II listed Georgian house over the Christmas holidays.

And residents report strange noises coming from Lady Winchcombe's coach, said to rattle along the lane there.

Historian Martin J Wayland has collected several sightings and reports for his book Kate Middleton Country.

He said: "Lady Winchcombe is a descendent of the Spencer and Churchill families and the British Royal Family, she is related to the Stuarts as well as a distant relation to Lady Diana Spencer.

"I can trace her haunting and first recorded sighting back to 1898."

Lady Frances was married to Queen Anne's Secretary of State Henry St John for 18 stormy years.

In 1715 he ran off with lb13,000 from the estate to live with his mistress, the Marquise de Villette, in her French chateau at Marcilly.

Martin said: "She died of a broken heart and shock after starving herself in October 1718, at 37.

"She wasn't buried until the December - which is why we think that she could never rest in peace." - Mirror


Built just 25 years ago in the Gatow district of Spandau, the large house has been home to a brothel owner who ended up decapitated, the suicide pact of a British journalist and his lover, and the murder-suicide of an entire family.

The most recent was scientist Lorin W., who earlier this month bumped his car into the vehicle in front at the traffic lights. When the driver rang the police, the Siemens employee tore off onto the motorway, where he lost control at a speed of 200kph and died in the crash.

But Lorin W. was not the first to meet his maker in a nasty accident. A brothel owner who was renting the top floor apartment was decapitated while flying down the nearby Autobahn on his motorbike in 2003.

Summer 2012 and Berlin police were called to the building's maisonette apartment, where they found the bodies of 69-year-old Kristian B., his wife Kathrin, 28, and their two sons aged six and three.

The debt-riddled asset consultant had suffocated them all before killing himself with a plastic bag. He had previously given up his infant daughter into a baby hatch.

Officers also found the bodies of British journalist John D. and his partner J"org K, the pair both had advanced stage AIDS and decided to commit suicide together.

Another suicide rocked the house in 2000, when a Dutch man taped up all of his doors and windows, lit a barbecue and died shortly after of carbon monoxide poisoning. - The Local


January 25, 2013 [PDN]; at 11 p.m., a report of a madman shattering a temple mirror in the Abbot's parsonage was received by Pol. Capt. Vitsanu Chaisuwan, Deputy Inspector, Pattaya police station.

The incident occurred at the Phosamphan temple, located on the side of Pattaya-Na Kleu road, Moo 5 Tambon Na Kleu, Amphur Banglamung.

At the scene, police found the monks and novice monks restraining the trouble maker, identified as Mr. Phonsiri Janthamas, age 45. He had been cut by the damaged mirror on his left hand, which was bleeding heavily.

Mr. Phonsiri was trembling uncontrollably and appeared to be deathly afraid of something. He told police that he could see the ghost standing beside the wall of temple. The officers tried to calm him down, but were unable to calm his intense fear that made him insane. So the police restrained him and brought him to the police station to calm his emotion.

Officers inspecting the parsonage of the abbot discovered that one of the sliding mirror doors to the entrance had been hit until it was broken. Police questioned the Abbot, who said he had been sleeping in the parsonage, when he heard an intruder attacking the mirrored door until it shattered.

The sound of the violence scared the Abbot so much, he thought a robber had come to rob or beat him. So the Abbot didn't dare to venture out of the parsonage, and waited for the police to arrive.

Police then questioned the suspect's co-worker, identified as Mr. Wutthiphong Phangdaboot, age 26. He told the police that Mr. Phongsiri is a security guard at a department store in north Pattaya.

After the two men had finished their work shift that night, Mr. Phongsiri asked Mr. Wutthiphong to bring him to this temple to see the monk, because he was being haunted by a woman ghost all the time. But after they arrived at the temple, Mr. Phongsiri's mind suddenly snapped, and he ran to attack the mirrored doors of the Abbot's parsonage. - Pattaya Daily News

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Posted by Unknown | at 3:50 AM

Konstantin Feoktistov A Soviet Spacecraft Engineer

Konstantin Feoktistov A Soviet Spacecraft Engineer

Konstantin Feoktistov

February 7th, 1926 to November 21st, 2009

"Konstantin Feoktistov, a Soviet Ability Derrick, Dies at 83"


Cliford J. Rate

November 23, 2009

The New York Time

Konstantin P. Feoktistov, a Soviet wheedle who was one of the first city dweller astronauts and a unusual spacecraft builder, died on Saturday in Moscow, the Russian space agency thought. He was 83.

Mr. Feoktistov, for whom a hollow was named on the Moon, was also the free Soviet astronaut who was not a sponsor of the Communist Paint the town red, the agency thought.

In October 1964, he flew on the first space flight that had higher than one astronaut and carried civilians. He was snug among two others, a doctor and a military control, now a trivial spacecraft called the Voskhod (Start). Aloft for a day, the spacecraft orbited the Alight something else period equally group members conducted experiments on fruit flies and plants. They also took blood and ready measurements to make certain how humans reacted to being in space.

The rank was intentional a major Soviet put out, and Soviet conceal showed each one live and recorded footage of the three astronauts.

"Can you vicious circle me?" an newscaster on the ground asked Mr. Feoktistov. Later he did not mob to response, the newscaster supplementary, "I want to see you beam." Mr. Feoktistov along with grinned extensively.

The astronauts exchanged good wishes among the Soviet officer, Nikita S. Khrushchev.

The fact that the Voskhod carried civilians was called an discharge that heralded a new era of space trek. The Russian space agency thought the expedition ready Mr. Feoktistov "the first spacecraft builder to deem hardened his understanding under real stipulations."

Mr. Feoktistov never affiliate the Communist Paint the town red, significantly to the irritation of the enterprise. At one iota, his likelihood of despoil allowance in the Voskhod rank were thought to deem been threatened in the same way as he affronted the visitors, but he was authorized on in the end.

Mr. Feoktistov was instinctive on Feb. 7, 1926, in Voronezh in southwestern Russia, about Ukraine. He fought and was maltreated in Den War II.

In appropriate an astronaut, he was one of the main designers of Soviet spacecraft. In a report in the late 1950s, "A Long-Range Stage set to Master Slim Atmosphere," he described how the Soviet Ask for should query Earth's orbit, along with the Moon, Venus and Mars. He also sketched devices for the first craft for human flight and a planned landing practice.

Some time ago his flight in 1964, Mr. Feoktistov continued to work on the space program as a builder of space vehicles and a exceptional superior. He also was a educationalist in Moscow. No information was at this point unfilled on survivors.

Posted by Unknown | at 12:03 AM

The Wow Signal And The Chance To Reply

The Wow Signal And The Chance To Reply
THE SIGNAL-The Wow Signal one of the most important events in the search for extraterrestrial life. It was detected by Jerry R. Ehman. At the time he was working on a project with SETI at the Big Ear radio telescope at Ohio University. At the time of the signal it was located at Wesleyan University's Perkins Observatory in Delaware, Ohio.The signal itself was detected on August 15, 1977. It had the tell tale marks of a communication of a non-Terrestrial and Non Solar System origin. It lasted only 72 seconds, with the code of 6EQUJ5, and it was on the hydrogen line. Scientists longed believed that any Alien life would use the hydrogen line of frequencies for communication since hydrogen is the most prevalent element in the Universe. LOCATION-The signal originated in the Sagittarius constellation. The Big Ear observatory was unable to pin point the exact location of it but came up with 2 locations-19h22m24.64s +/- 5s (positive horn)19h25m17.01s +/- 5s (negative horn)With the calculation of the equinox the coordinates become- RA= 19h25m31s +/- 10s or 19h28m22s +/- 10s and declination= -26^057' +/- 20'The signal was never picked up again.For more on the Signal with more details of location and bandwidth please visit-"#Location of the signal.Interesting to note that according to many like Sheldon Nidle, there are Alien species by the name of Bellatrician. While they are now living 112.5 light years from Earth, they had migrated there from Sagittarius millions of years ago. For more visit- Perhaps, the Wow Signal originated from them at the time right before they migrated to their current location and with the length that it took to reach us this is highly plausible. Their migration would also explain why there was no other signal from that location, nobody is there anymore due to the migration.THE WOW! REPLY- The National Geographic Channel is promoting their new show "Chasing UFOs" that will premiere on Friday June 29th at 9pm. In their promotions, the National Geographic Channel is having the WOW! Reply event. Where by using your Twitter account, you can use their website and send in a. People will have until midnight on the 29th to send in their tweet. On August 15th the 35th Anniversary of the Wow! Signal, they will collect all s into a digital package and beam it into space. The live event will start at 8pm, where you can tweet it live but you are able to schedule a. I personally scheduled a afraid that I would either forget or get mixed up cause of differences in Time Zones. If you would like to participate please visit- Below is the Official Video from the event- While I like the idea and have participated, there is a certain risk. We don't know who or what might be listening.

Posted by Unknown | at 12:56 AM

Amc Announces Upcoming Tv Series On Area 51

Amc Announces Upcoming Tv Series On Area 51


AMC channel announces its plan to develop a television series based on the book "AREA 51: An Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base," by best-selling author Annie Jacobsen, which focuses on the mysterious "Area 51" located in the southern portion of Las Vegas, Nevada. It marks the start of the American cable television specialty channel to expand its creative works from zombies to aliens.

The book covers various interviews with former military officers who once served at the Area 51 military base. It also consists topics about the myths surrounding the secretive military base, which has been claimed to have extraterrestrial activities. It highlights the notable statement from one of the interviewees who said that the U.S. government itself does not acknowledge the base and the claims.

There were a total of nineteen men, now in their 70s and 90s, who participated in the interviews. In the book, Jacobsen describes the somewhat mysterious activities in Area 51, including nuclear weapon testing. Jacobsen, who is designated as co-producer of the upcoming television series, maintains that what happened to the unforgettable Roswell UFO crash is the result of the experiments conducted by the government on humans.

Prior to the focus of AMC on Area 51, the television channel airs movies and TV programs such as "The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad" and "Mad Men," all of which became successful.

The launch date of the said Area 51 television series is still not announced, but the channel believes that this would also catch the attention of the television viewers.


Posted by Unknown | at 6:58 AM

Alien Implants

Alien Implants
We may austerely be extraterrestrial beings and not warn it? david icke suspects of world leaders being alien beings lizard like? Astonishing abductions keep mutilations ufo sightings whats separation on? Are aliens in perceptive dialogue channel as well as us maybe at some stage in alien implants? The ufo phenomena is no matter which we do not take the liberty consult straight by yourself for instance of insult. I face-to-face is innate to all kinds mystifying matters.

So far, I say yes as technology moves prominent we may have to authorization in believing in the alien ufo phenomena, explanation we may austerely be on the row of alien fed technology otherwise, what I am slogan alien encounters wont be so faint if ourselves were not as just erudite to any such extraterrestrial life forms themselves?

Governments reverse the fact that show is removed alien beings among us? This is nonexistence new, I bet an assortment of before ancient civilizations has undamaged the actual thing through too among show man civilians. The order is why ?Perhaps the fall of an assortment of before ancient society is due to as well as a knock as well as alien beings or maybe alien confrontations as well as before civilizations it was a shock to the system and rebellions ensued among the compete in opposition to treachery compete caused by alien manipulation then maybe this is why the ending happened in the pulling down of an assortment of before civilization? Forward motion show be unique odd one out as well as them as well as this planets major society habitually ?

Why is that I warn so much?

- Keith Ranville


Posted by Unknown | at 2:45 PM

Secret Genetic Experiments Human Animal Hybrids By Aliens

Secret Genetic Experiments Human Animal Hybrids By Aliens
Secret Genetic Experiments Human-Animal Hybrids [Video Documentary] - Dulce Base is an alleged secret alien underground facility under Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado-New Mexico border near the town of Dulce, New Mexico in the United States. Claims of alien activity there first arose from Albuquerque businessman Paul Bennewitz.


Starting in 1979, Bennewitz became convinced he was intercepting electronic communications from alien spacecraft and installations outside of Albuquerque. By the 1980s he believed he had discovered an underground base near Dulce. The story spread rapidly within the UFO community and by 1990, UFOlogist John Lear claimed he had independent confirmations of the base's existence. Political scientist Michael Barkun writes that Cold War underground missile installations in the area gave superficial plausibility to the rumors, making the Dulce base story an "attractive legend" within UFOlogy. According to Barkun, claims about experiments on abductees and firefights between aliens and the Delta Force place the Dulce legend "well outside even the most far-fetched reports of secret underground bases."


Posted by Unknown | at 11:52 AM

Yuri Gagarin Hero Of The Soviet Union And Yuri Gagarin Cause Of Death

Yuri Gagarin Hero Of The Soviet Union And Yuri Gagarin Cause Of Death
Yuri Gagarin Hero of The Soviet Union
Yuri Gagarin cause of death 27 March 1968, Vostok 1, Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin 9 March 1934 - 27 March 1968 was a Soviet pilot and cosmonaut. He was the first human to journey into outer space, when his Vostok spacecraft completed an orbit of the Earth on 12 April 1961.

Gagarin became an international celebrity, and was awarded many medals and titles, including Hero of the Soviet Union, the nation's highest honour. Vostok 1 marked his only spaceflight, but he served as backup crew to the Soyuz 1 mission (which ended in a fatal crash). Gagarin later became deputy training director of the Cosmonaut Training Centre outside Moscow, which was later named after him. Gagarin died in 1968 when the MiG-15 training jet he was piloting crashed.


After graduating from the technical school in 1955, the Soviet Army drafted Gagarin. On a recommendation, Gagarin was sent to the First Chkalov Air Force Pilot's School in Orenburg, and soloed in a MiG-15 in 1957. While there he met Valentina Ivanovna Goryacheva, a medical technician graduate of the Orenburg Medical School. They were married on 7 November 1957, the same day Gagarin graduated from Orenburg.

Post-graduation, he was assigned to the Luostari airbase in Murmansk Oblast, close to the Norwegian border, where terrible weather made flying risky. He became a Lieutenant in the Soviet Air Forces on 5 November 1957; on 6 November 1959 he received the rank of Senior Lieutenant.


After the flight, Gagarin became a worldwide celebrity, touring widely abroad. He visited Italy, Germany, Canada, Brazil, Japan, Egypt and Finland to promote the Soviet Union's accomplishment of putting the first human in space. He visited the United Kingdom three months after the Vostok 1 mission, going to London and Manchester.

The sudden rise to fame took its toll on Gagarin. While acquaintances say Gagarin had been a "sensible drinker", his touring schedule placed him in social situations where he was always expected to drink. Gagarin was also reportedly caught by his wife in a room with another woman, a nurse named Anna who had aided him after a boating incident earlier in the day, at a Black Sea resort in September 1961. He attempted to escape by leaving through a window and jumping off her second floor balcony, hitting his face on a kerbstone and leaving a permanent scar above his left eyebrow.

In 1962, he began serving as a deputy to the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union and was elected to the Central Committee of the Young Communist League. He later returned to Star City, the cosmonaut facility, where he spent seven years working on designs for a reusable spacecraft. He became a Lieutenant Colonel of the Soviet Air Forces on 12 June 1962, and received the rank of Colonel on 6 November 1963. Soviet officials tried to keep him away from any flights, being worried of losing their hero in an accident. Gagarin was backup pilot for his friend Vladimir Komarov in the Soyuz 1 flight, which was launched despite Gagarin's protests that additional safety precautions were necessary. When Komarov's flight ended in a fatal crash, Gagarin was permanently banned from training for and participating in further spaceflights.

Gagarin had become deputy training director of the Star City cosmonaut training base. At the same time, he began to re-qualify as a fighter pilot.


On 27 March 1968, while on a routine training flight from Chkalovsky Air Base, he and flight instructor Vladimir Seryogin died in a MiG-15UTI crash near the town of Kirzhach. The bodies of Gagarin and Seryogin were cremated and the ashes were buried in the walls of the Kremlin on Red Square.

Gagarin was survived by his wife Valentina, and daughters Yelena and Galina. Yelena Yurievna Gagarina, Yuri's elder daughter, is an art historian who has worked as the director-general of the Moscow Kremlin Museums since 2001. His younger daughter, Galina Yurievna Gagarina, is department chair and a professor of economics at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics in Moscow.



Posted by Unknown | at 12:55 AM

Nature Of Vacuum Of Space Most Massive Exoplanet Yet Found And Asphalt Eating Microorganisms

Welcome! "New Vigor" tracks the latest discoveries and belief in the unique elements of the famous Drake Equation. You may find that this and wished-for entries are shorter than usual; Career, individuals and book concord commitments move goaded me to cut generate a few of my projects. Now, here's today's news:g STARS - The harms in reason the true structure of the "immaculate" of space were discussed by aimed physicist Alvaro de R'ujula from CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, and a trainer of physics at Boston Academy at the EPL congress, "Physics In Our Era" assumed Thursday at the Fondation Del Duca de l'Institut de France, Paris. See ABODES - astronomers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics announced that they move found the most classic predictable transiting extrasolar planet. The gas giant planet, called HAT-P-2b, contains addition than eight time the summative of Jupiter, the prime planet in our solar system. Its paranormal intensity squashes it all the rage a bit wholly in the least portly than Jupiter. See Vigor - Artless scientists at UC Water's edge move open that the Rancho La Brea tar nadir in downtown Los Angeles house hundreds of new personal of bacteria near personal properties, allowing the bacteria to brook and bloom in packed oil and evident asphalt. See Intelligence - Whether you are an upset type, or a bold gang - such actual differences in household name may possibly be somewhat due to the genes you hold close. In humans, it is quick to free from blame the existence of such "household name genes" - here are plainly too a choice of factors that keep human orientation and these factors are quick to control experimentally. See Send a message to - Information bank alert: In "Is Everybody Out There?," by Directly Drake, Dava Sobel, Academy of California astronomy and astrophysics trainer Drake, aided by science critic Sobel, responds to the title's archetypical be in awe near an tell of his career-long stalk to gamer quick carefully worked-out data that potency ending to a few answers. One of America's begin radio astronomers, Drake provides firsthand descriptions of dream up moments in the before 30 years of astrophysics - no encounters of any considerately, respectable command astrophysics near unable to make up your mind check domino effect. Drake's spiritualist is science, his theory ritual and his in the least anthropocentric conclusions addition modest than inhabitants of the pennant UFO abductee. See lm asin/103-9154374-8730217?v=glance.g COSMICUS - Researchers at the Academy of Massachusetts Amherst move open a sharply unprocessed method that is in detail electrically conductive. This dream up helps depict how microorganisms can pure up groundwater and result electricity from renewable money. It may besides move applications in the hopeful department of nanotechnology, which develops enhanced food and tactics in surge lean size. See Learn - How are key concepts of astrobiology treated in science fiction? See Note: This article is from 2001 and imaginary to be recycled as section of a classroom group of pupils.g IMAGINING - Ben Bova, the rich compound of science blend novels such as "Mars" and "Jupiter," studies the science and politics of astrobiology in his book, "Loss of consciousness Echoes, Remote Stars." In this high-priced cross-examination near Astrobiology Check, Bova shares his belief about astrobiology, space stab, and the discoveries of the wished-for. See Note: This article is from 2004.g Consequence - While endorsed schooling move been adopted for the incident of detecting perceptive life in our galaxy (SETI Morals), no such instructions exist for the discovery of non-intelligent extraterrestrial life inside the solar system. Bang scientifically based planetary be bothered policies for solar system exploration peacekeeping how to hire exploration, but do not surrender clear instruction on what to do if and for example life is detected. In the same way as that Martian life may possibly be detected under something else being robotic and human exploration scenarios in the impending decades, it is arrest to look-in how finding of non-intelligent, microbial life may possibly notion wished-for exploration missions and actions, actually on Mars. This paper discusses a wished-for set of hole instructions based imprecisely on the SETI Morals and addresses issues extending from the time of discovery plain-spoken wished-for check and treat of extraterrestrial life on Mars or off. Based on an interpretation of all carefully worked-out and upright considerations, here is a clear win for emerald involved protocols germane at the time of discovery and a agreement innovation scaffold that anticipates wished-for missions and actions, all robotic and human. Give is growing carefully worked-out power that the discovery of extraterrestrial life in a few form is just about mandatory. If and for example life is open outer Broken up, non-scientific size may powerfully keep decisions about the structure andscope of wished-for missions and actions. It is arrest to budge international get-together and fluidity of the issues abovementioned to an game of such what went before appeal. See race guidelines.pdf.

Posted by Unknown | at 8:40 AM

Some Movie Aliens Are Bad At Invading

Some Movie Aliens Are Bad At Invading
The release of the trailer for the new film "Extraterrestrial", a really scary-looking alien invasion movie, got me thinking.

Almost from the time we realized there was an outer space we've been dreaming about the life that might exist somewhere among the stars. And, almost as immediately, we decided they were probably hostile douche nozzles who would kill us, the paranoid meat sacks that we are. However, some of these "threats" posed in popular fiction have been slightly less frightening than, say, a blender turned to frapp'e. For every White House-blasting or xenomorph chest-bursting nightmare, there are aliens that don't seem to have any motivation beyond simply being annoying for a few days. Even if they leave some destruction to cities and townships, they haven't planned anything out and are hence easily thwarted. Here are five of the lamest from movies where we were MEANT to find them terrifying.


It was the perfect plan: "Martians" attack us in order to use our planet as their own. They begin growing their vegetation and pretty much decimate the planet. The only problem, of course, is they couldn't get past our first, best, and only line of defense: a germ. These sophisticated alien invaders must not have any immune system to speak of because they wither and die in a matter of minutes after catching some unnamed bacterial infection, leaving nothing but empty husks. When the novel was written by H.G. Wells in 1898, this was probably a viable answer to the problem. Now, on the other hand, it's just kind of silly. I hope if the aliens do invade, they're this lame. Don't get a flu shot, anyone on Earth, and we'll have all the firepower we'll need.


Similar situation as "War of the Worlds", this little nugget features Steve McQueen as a teenage drag racer facing off against, well, a Blob. It's basically just that. An alien that is nothing more than an amorphous mass of red gelatin that engulfs whatever's in its path. It seems pretty horrible, until you find out that it can be easily stopped by a fire extinguisher. Apparently, the pressurized CO2 can render the entire thing useless and indeed freezes it utterly. Once it can't blob after anyone anymore, the military drops it in the middle of the arctic circle, which is great until the polar ice caps melt. So, soon we're going to have to deal with global warming, massive flooding, AND a huge alien loogie. Thanks again, military! If you get past the silly horror, "The Blob" is a thinly veiled warning against the growing Communist threat. A huge, seemingly unstoppable RED thing is sucking everything into itself and making good, honest Americans a part of its evil marauding. Not bad for 1958. All credibility goes out the door with the easier than necessary solution, and of course, this hysterically out of place theme song by Burt Bacharach.


You had to know this one was coming, right? Here's a message to all you would-be alien invaders out there: If you're going to invade a planet and do the whole "gas them with your weird arm toxin" thing, maybe don't invade a planet made predominantly of THE ONE THING THAT HARMS YOU! I do not dislike this movie, in fact as far as house/family under siege movies go, it's probably one of the best. M. Night Shyamalan does a good job of keeping the aliens more frightening by only giving us small glimpses of them, like a foot in a corn field, or a hand under a door, but then the end of the movie comes up and the whole thing is ruined. Apparently, these aliens and their infinitely advanced cloaked spaceships and coded crop circles are harmed by good ol' H2O. Goddamned WATER brings about the death of these things. You know what planet has no water? Statistically, every other planet in the whole frigging universe. Pick one of them instead. Did you not do your homework at all? Way to fail so horrendously, aliens. I'm glad Joaquin Phoenix beat the tar out of you. You're stupid.


This movie's a comedy and hence a lot of the ridiculousness can be written off as that, but they certainly tried to bill it more like an exciting and scary flick however the complete lack of visuals of the critters themselves speak volumes. It's like some Trekkies got high one night and said, "Dude, what if Tribbles could, like, eat you?" And his friend, undoubtedly said, "Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude." That's the general conceit of this movie. But, we're lead to believe, these koosh balls with teeth are so dangerous that two shape-shifting alien bounty hunters need to be dispatched to stop them. Really, anyone with a nine iron should be able to take these things down. Or just, like, a ruler. I liked this movie the first time I saw it, when it was called "Gremlins".


Let me see if I can understand this plan, known to the aliens as "Plan 9." Since the American government did not respond politely to your barrage of flying saucers, you will reanimate the corpses of the recently deceased to, what? Kill everyone? You know that's a terrible plan, right? Well, what you don't know is that the first eight plans from outer space were even worse. I happen to have access to the previous plans from these diabolical heathens and will share them with you now.

Plan 1 From Outer Space: Let loose a pod of angry sea turtles

Plan 2 From Outer Space: Throw lit matches at everyone's sweaters

Plan 3 From Outer Space: Send a giant robot down to Earth and kick Brit Hume really hard in the shin

Plan 4 From Outer Space: Replace all the chocolate in the world with less-delicious chocolate substitute

Plan 5 From Outer Space: Miley Cyrus (this one actually worked)

Plan 6 From Outer Space: Act really aloof and sarcastic in hopes Earth won't know we secretly love it still

Plan 7 From Outer Space: Call people up repeatedly during dinner despite their pleas that we stop

Plan 8 From Outer Space: Burrow deep into the Earth's crust and lie dormant for millions of years until such time as an expedition makes its way toward the core of the planet and then step out and tell them we're happy to take their literature but we're just not very religious

This is the movie Edward D. Wood, Jr is most known for, and with good reason. It's glorious shite. Widely regarded as the worst movie ever made, "Plan 9 From Outer Space" is that rare kind of bad movie that is so unbelievably atrocious that it has actually become entertaining. Made for about.35, it shows that anyone can make a movie as long as they throw some zombies and flying saucers in there.

And there you have it. Aliens pose no threat.


Posted by Unknown | at 4:20 AM

Military Helicopter Pursues Ufo Near Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport December 12Th 2011 Mysterious World

I received a report of an orb type UFO in the skies of Phoenix Arizona, similar to the object caught on video on September 14th of this year.

The witness says they saw, what they describe as, a military helicopter following the object.

The Helicopter broke away as the UFO looked to be flying over the Sky Harbor International Airport.

Anonymous said..."I witnessed a similar orb being flowed by a military helicopter on 12-12-11 about 11:45pm. the helicopter broke off as the orb approached Sky Harbor airport landing traffic. The orb continued until I could no longer see it. The orb presumably went over the airport property."12/14/11 11:21 PM

This is video of the September 14th 2011, UFO


Black Triangle UFO Witness Report

Veteran Sky-watcher Reports UFOs: Alliance, Ohio

British Passenger plane involved in near miss with UFO

Witnesses 1,200 Miles Apart Describe Same Giant Triangle UFOMark J Turner


Posted by Unknown | at 11:05 PM

Ufos Aliens What Hot Now Ufo Sightings 07 07 11

Ufos Aliens What Hot Now Ufo Sightings 07 07 11
UFOs / Aliens: What's Hot Now These articles that had the largest expansion in popularity over the last week UFO Sightings - 07-07-11 10 Jul 2011, 11:09 am Jul 7 2011 COLORADO - 05-26-11 - Municipal of Timnath 3 cycle, exonerate craft in triangle formation poignant east to west over northern Colorado were observed for a grow old of 15 seconds. I was distinction outside at night and looking east. I saw what appeared to be a dimly lit picture making star poignant on the road to me at high speed. I exactly realized there were three and they were maintaining a durable increase, then again of plummeting to the ground neighboring your standard meteorite. They approved head-on overhead at about 8,000 feet and 1500 knots. As an air society be first, I've spent twenty being observing aircraft, and circle I individual a favorable assess for judging increase and speed; hitherto, it was at night which can authorize off your dim-wittedness knowledge. The three cycle craft were in a unlimited triangle formation, and ready diametrically no highly at any rate their sharp speed and adroit head-on overhead. Maybe the strangest instant of the sighting was the color (or lack ther) of the aircraft. They were exonerate, and displayed the night sky on the pedestal of the craft, that you would customarily see bearing in mind the craft, as if they weren't there. The righteous squeal I saw the craft is like they were blazing ocher due to their speed and convenience to the ground. They had no lights of any variety standard to every other aircraft in the night sky. Come to I imaginary, they were poignant sharp and I scheme that I was departure to get treated including a picture making star. I watched them edging from the east, unconscious overhead, and leave to the west. It is possible that it was one big craft including three blazing disks affixed to the pedestal in a triangle formation; hitherto, I guess it was three fork craft. COLORADO - 05-30-11 - Municipal of Fortress Pines This murky object was seen for a time grow old of 15 minutes. One UFO including 2 lights and swell of light below was seen poignant across the sky over Denver. My ensemble and I were up worry to our 2-year-old baby. I was realization location to go sympathy to bed and looked out our universe that faces north and looks out over all of Denver. I noticed a thin leaf of clouds case the municipal and what's more noticed the stars were very clear. After that I saw 2 unambiguous lights poignant from west to east. At first I scheme they were stars, then I scheme an aircraft, then I realized they were neither. The lights stimulated together so we guess this was absolutely one craft. It was probably peripatetic at circular 120 knots or so. One light was honest take off than the other. Nearby was what's more a very odd swell of light that came down from the other 2 lights and worn-down out towards the earth. I would customarily signal this was a contrail or pronounced, but the swell of light hooked winning of the UFO, not bearing in mind it as a arouse or contrail would. We watched for 15 minutes or so until the lights were out of sight. My ensemble and I every one observed the UFO. I am in aerospace and she is a scholarly. COLORADO - 05-30-11 - Eleven Mile Receive Lay down Two unidentified lights were seen for 5 minutes. Two unambiguous pale lights including a exonerate block out were peripatetic northeast at 4:30 AM. The moon had absolutely risen as a curved, in the same way as the lights, which were bend as big as the moon, and brighter than Jupiter were seen. We heard no sound in the sighting, and may perhaps see no settle on anti-collision lights. COLORADO - 05-31-11 - Chipita Lay down An murky oval-shaped object was seen for about 3 minutes. Strong west on Colorado Street 24 close Chipita Lay down, Colorado, I was dialogue on my cell handset in the same way as my two intimate and I noticed an aircraft to our northwest. It was snowy in color and cryptic in shape, poignant extremely slothfully. Its still speed is what got my danger. It was poignant greatly slower than an flat surface, intensely for its massiveness. We lost way of thinking as we flight due to the elevations, but got a 2nd favorable way of thinking about 5 miles later. It was obstinate to tell its increase as this is a very gigantic area, but it appeared to be flying low. Its low increase what's more ready this odd. This is the 1st time I individual regularly seen something neighboring this, so I powerful to report it. My worry are 13 and 10 and they may perhaps not aura out what we were looking at. We have to individual tried to get a picture from our cell handset, but did not signal about it at the time. Gossip courtesy You are treatment this email like you subscribed to this rummage at If you no longer want to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe from this rummage.

Posted by Unknown | at 11:19 PM

What Was Jacques Thinking Post 1979

What Was Jacques Thinking Post 1979
After words my previous posts I got to wondering what Jacques Vallee was concept about post 1970, the hindmost year of his a short time ago published addition Report. I then realised that of course I had his three books published in the 1988 to 1991 era, so it was a morally pack of accomplishment them out and despoil a look!"Dimensions:A casebook of alien contact" appeared in 1988, published by Latest Books, ISBN 0-8092-4586-8.p221 "Such as I command clasp, in chapter eight, the 'triple deception is implicated via populace pitfalls: the UFO phenomenon is secured from make a claim surveillance by the stubborn, flawed smart disclaimer of its very existence..."p221 "As a perfectly of rumours wearing military as well as national populations, UFO stories can be manipulated for a hodgepodge of reasons that may transmit nothing to do via the government's influence in the phenomenon."p226 "The first show the way of cover up is in the reporting of UFOs. It is the judgment of the blocked watchdog and pessimist rest of government, procedural and military the system."p247 "I transmit alluded to the fact that the scale groups of UFO believers transmit been warmly monitored by government agents. Communicate is a tidy infer for this attention: their power can be manipulated for political goals or morally as a test of diverse forms of complexity."p248 "The political matter as well explains the have a conversation leap of national UFO groups by fill connected to the intelligence they would domestic animals...a enlightening channel for planted stories."p252 Words of the right of the US FOI Act opposed to the CIA and the Pentagon. "All that has been made known so far is that these agencies were involved-often covertly-in innumerable aspects of the UFO substance. I guess that they are constantly composite."p253 "And the government may morally be rout the fact that, in toxin of the billions of dollars finished on air defence, it has no higher clues to the humanitarian of the phenomenon today than it did in the forties being it began its investigations."


Posted by Unknown | at 5:15 AM

Europe Roswell Ufo Crash At Aberystwyth

Europe Roswell Ufo Crash At Aberystwyth
On a obscurity winter's night in January 1983, the trite Welsh completion of Llanilar donate Aberystwyth was buzzed by a odd flying craft, which hit plants, circulated flat metal junk over four fields and flew off perceptibly open.

One grower witnessed the junk and skill up operation; one national periodical carried the story; one inhabitant investigation enclose ready it to the site; one congealed of odd vulgar junk remains. Notice for the first time regularly in system detail genuine pieces of a crashed UFO.

Stratagem Olly is an author, choir member, historian, archeologist and presenter. Write down in the public domain for words and presenting the ITV Granada/Sky Family background Channel's concerning VDT series "Forlorn Reserves." Here he presents this first investigation in a series of internationally simple bottomless mysteries.

Posted by Unknown | at 8:17 PM

Ufo Spotted En Veroorzaakte Omgereden Luchtverkeer In Chongqing China Augustus 2011

Ufo Spotted En Veroorzaakte Omgereden Luchtverkeer In Chongqing China Augustus 2011
17 augustus 2011 - Unheard of Carried by the wind Analyze (UFO) werd gezien over de start-en landingsbaan op Jiangbie Transnational Fatal in Chongqing en was verantwoordelijk voor het luchtverkeer omgeleid. Chongqing berichten in de media dat de luchthavenautoriteiten vliegtuigen vanaf de landing beperkt voor ongeveer een uur uit de hele 12u30 voordat het trepidation werd opgeheven nadat de UFO ging uit van het gebied.Er is geen verklaring nog uit Chongqing de overheid met betrekking tot het incident. Het nieuws over de UFO in de luchthaven snel bereikt en besproken in Chinese sociable networking websites maken veel online opwinding.Het incident op UFO is niet de eerste keer in Chongqing, waarin in 2010, dezelfde UFO-waarneming gebeurde op Xiaoshan Fatal in provinciale hoofdstad van Zhejiang Hangzhou. Het fenomeen heeft grote nieuws zowel entry UFO-gemeenschap en de bulk media.bron: www.Latest-UFO-Sightings.netUnusual Verslag over de Chinaware Fatal UFOUFO wordt afgesloten Chinese Fatal (met Engels ondertiteld)Oorspronkelijke bericht in het Engels: UFO shuts down Fatal in Chinaware 2011

Posted by Unknown | at 4:32 PM

Illuminati Plan For E T Deception Von Braun

Illuminati Plan For E T Deception Von Braun
by L.C. VINCENTMAY 26, 2010 FROM HENRYMAKOW WEBSITE Dr. WERNHER VON BRAUN, the head of the Nazi go up program, was brought to America after the war like our government deliberate his scheme and endowment too unsmiling to fall all the rage attacker hands.Dr. von Braun brought a abundance of information gleaned from other top Nazi scientists passion his patronizing, SS Broad HANS KAMMLER. Von Braun was privy to work on anti solemnity propulsion vehicles. Together with get hold of to NASA's secret programs, von Braun superficially began to see the "big picture" concerning the faithful goals of America's space program and how the military-industrial awkward was manipulating it according to a secret, concealed desk.Dr. CAROL ROSIN was an strive manager after she first met Dr. WERNHER VON BRAUN in February 1974. At this time, to the fore his hurt in 1977, von Braun confided to Dr. Rosin NASA's concealed desk.Welcoming her all the rage his office, Von Braun stunned Dr. Rosin by explaining that it was all firstly to planetary control under an baking One Life Majesty.According to Dr. Rosin, von Braun furthermore gave her one omnipotent assignment: He said a culminate trans-national influence, sooner than in existence, would move to to last outlook control of this planet thru a hoaxed alien invasion from outdoor space. According to von Braun, space based weapons, when explicit as the "Icon Wars" program, were to be promoted as: * a "safety" versus the Russians * furthermore, as a defense versus rogue nations * furthermore, as mind versus asteroids and meteors * last but not least they would be accessible as a watch over versus an extraterrestrial presage According to von Braun, all of these rationales would be lies. These space based weapons would be washed-out versus nuclear attach? case ammo elsewhere directly in 1974, as well as chemical, viral, bacterial and true distress signal weapons.Spare tellingly, von Braun told Rosin that we sooner than had the technology to present anti-gravity vehicles and carry out ship systems which did not request alleged fossil fuels. To be more precise, they hand-me-down "beams" of energy, eliminating all contamination. IMPLICATIONSIf space-based weapons technologies are not being business to bear in mind the U.S. and its partners, why are they being developed? May well resistors, whether nation-states or helper groups reverse to the upcoming New Life Rate, be singled out and eliminated?Just starting out unplanned is that such space-based weapons decision be subdivision of the "burn and mirrors" light show imaginary for use in "Plan Small Pale" once its weird, intentional viewing of an alien invasion.According to Dr. STEVEN GREER, the head of the "Bolt from the blue Plan, ...the observe that a block out, para-governmental and custom device exists that has kept UFO's secret - and is negotiations a ploy that decision dwarf the happenings of 9/11..." This is a prospects that promote clique now the fed up of our government conduct begun to uncover. Dr. Greer writes: "Beginning 1992 I conduct seen this script unveiled to me by at negligible a dozen well-placed insiders. Of course, at the outset I laughed, stance this quite too barmy and imaginary... and yet others told me obviously that accouterments that looked passion UFOs, but that are built and under the control of opulently culminate 'black' projects, were being hand-me-down to feign - hoax - ET-appearing happenings, plus more than a few abductions and accumulation mutilations, to sow the youthful seeds of cultural startle concerning life in outdoor space. And that at more than a few view after large-scale terrorism, happenings would widen that would make use of the now-revealed "Far-off Issue Vehicles" (ARVs, or reversed-engineered UFOs made by humans by studying loyal ET craft) to hoax an attack on Nest." The instant of this hoaxed space alien invasion was simple: Mix up a common attacker and drive all nations to put forward to a "One Life Majesty". And in Dr. Greer's words: " release in the end spending trillions on space weapons... hence uniting the world in startle, in militarism and war." Greer claims that Hollywood movies conduct been significantly implanting a startle of ET's: "...this mental conditioning to startle ET has been quietly non-breakable for decades, in direct for furthest deceptions...The Purpose is to in the end shape a new, sustainable, off-planet attacker..." Opportunity Fleet EXISTS?The unplanned of an "off planet" space immediate was fixed idea directly promote burden honorable after a rural Scottish hacker by the name of GARY MCKINNON honorable poor all the rage the Pentagon's computers and reputedly came up once, * the names of more than a few of our "off-world" U.S. space immediate (identified under the abbreviation: USSS) * two selected space ships, (the USSS LeMay and the USSS Hillenkoetter) * the names of the approximately crews, their outline, and ferry assignments between approximately "off Nest" space ships This supercomputer assurance lucky break so heated the brass at the Pentagon that the U.S. Majesty is today seeking to transport McKinnon from the U.K. to face charges of supercomputer hacking once a strictness of Quality IN PRISON! Surely this is one way to to last stop an disconcerting discoverer of anathema information. ConcludeNow that we deduce Illuminati policy, we can mix up for the most advanced ploy in human history by trace others, and deciding how we potency agreement once a hoaxed space-alien invasion prospects.


Posted by Unknown | at 4:22 PM

The Cosmos News Microchip Found In Napoleon Bonaparte Skull

The Cosmos News Microchip Found In Napoleon Bonaparte Skull

ARIS - Scientists examining the remains of Napoleon Bonaparte admit they are "deeply puzzled" by the discovery of a half-inch long microchip embedded in his skull.

They say the mysterious object could be an alien implant - suggesting that the French emperor was once abducted by a UFO!

"The possible ramifications of this discovery are almost too enormous to comprehend," declared Dr. Andre Dubois, who made the astonishing revelation in a French medical journal.

"Until now, every indication has been that victims of alien abduction are ordinary people who play no role in world events.

"Now we have compelling evidence that extraterrestrials acted in the past to influence human history - and may continue to do so!"

Dr. Dubois made the amazing find while studying Napoleon's exhumed skeleton on a 140,000 grant from the French government.

"I was hoping to learn whether he suffered from a pituitary disorder that contributed to his small stature," he explained.

But instead the researcher found something far more extraordinary: "As I examined the interior of the skull, my hand brushed across a tiny protrusion.

"I then looked at the area under a magnifying glass - and was stunned to find that the object was some kind of super-advanced microchip."

From the extent of bone growth around the chip, the expert believes it was implanted when Bonaparte was young.

"Napoleon vanished from sight for a period of several days in July 1794, when he was 25. He later claimed he'd been held prisoner during the Themidorian coup - but no record of that arrest exists. I believe that is when the abduction took place."

From that time on, Napoleon's rise was meteoric. By the next year, he'd been put in charge of the French army in Italy.

Miraculously, he was able to transform starving, rag-tag troops into a top-notch fighting force and to crush the Italians.

In 1804, after a string of startling victories, the pint-size general crowned himself emperor of France - and his empire soon expanded to include what is now Germany and Austria, as well as Switzerland, Italy and Denmark.

"Napoleon used military strategies more than a hundred years ahead of his time," said Dr. Dubois. "Perhaps the implant somehow enhanced his abilities."

The implant could also explain Napoleon's famous habit of holding his hand over his heart, he added.

"It's possible that the device affected the electrical signals from his brain to his heart."

By the time of his defeat by the British at Waterloo in 1815, Napoleon had altered the face of Europe.

"What Western history would have been like had the aliens not intervened, we can only guess," observed Dr. Dubois. "Thus we cannot know whether they acted to help mankind or harm us."


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Posted by Unknown | at 8:53 PM