THE SIGNAL-The Wow Signal one of the most important events in the search for extraterrestrial life. It was detected by Jerry R. Ehman. At the time he was working on a project with SETI at the Big Ear radio telescope at Ohio University. At the time of the signal it was located at Wesleyan University's Perkins Observatory in Delaware, Ohio.The signal itself was detected on August 15, 1977. It had the tell tale marks of a communication of a non-Terrestrial and Non Solar System origin. It lasted only 72 seconds, with the code of 6EQUJ5, and it was on the hydrogen line. Scientists longed believed that any Alien life would use the hydrogen line of frequencies for communication since hydrogen is the most prevalent element in the Universe. LOCATION-The signal originated in the Sagittarius constellation. The Big Ear observatory was unable to pin point the exact location of it but came up with 2 locations-19h22m24.64s +/- 5s (positive horn)19h25m17.01s +/- 5s (negative horn)With the calculation of the equinox the coordinates become- RA= 19h25m31s +/- 10s or 19h28m22s +/- 10s and declination= -26^057' +/- 20'The signal was never picked up again.For more on the Signal with more details of location and bandwidth please visit-"#Location of the signal.Interesting to note that according to many like Sheldon Nidle, there are Alien species by the name of Bellatrician. While they are now living 112.5 light years from Earth, they had migrated there from Sagittarius millions of years ago. For more visit- Perhaps, the Wow Signal originated from them at the time right before they migrated to their current location and with the length that it took to reach us this is highly plausible. Their migration would also explain why there was no other signal from that location, nobody is there anymore due to the migration.THE WOW! REPLY- The National Geographic Channel is promoting their new show "Chasing UFOs" that will premiere on Friday June 29th at 9pm. In their promotions, the National Geographic Channel is having the WOW! Reply event. Where by using your Twitter account, you can use their website and send in a. People will have until midnight on the 29th to send in their tweet. On August 15th the 35th Anniversary of the Wow! Signal, they will collect all s into a digital package and beam it into space. The live event will start at 8pm, where you can tweet it live but you are able to schedule a. I personally scheduled a afraid that I would either forget or get mixed up cause of differences in Time Zones. If you would like to participate please visit- Below is the Official Video from the event- While I like the idea and have participated, there is a certain risk. We don't know who or what might be listening.
Posted by Unknown
12:56 AM