My husband and I have been watching object / objects in the sky the entire month of October. Tonight Nov 1sr the object appeared much larger and was white with out the usual colorful lights. I picked up the binoculars expecting to see the colored lights with them, but this object was an elongated oval or cigar shape with white pulsating lights outlining it top and bottom. What was very unusual is that what would be described as the oval body was more a silver white shade with at least 100 tiny sparkling lights. It almost looked elegant. This was total opposite in appearance as to what we had been seeing in the same area, NE of us towards Pittsburgh, PA. The third time I looked at it through the binoculars, it had morphed into an elongated boxy rectangle shape. There were other objects that looked like what we had seen in October in the sky also, and two took a flight path to the west. They were much closer than a jet and had what would be described as a gliding motion... they just glided across the night sky much lower, much larger, and quicker than a jet or helicopter. I told my husband You have to see this. He looked through the binoculars and immediately said Go get the camera. He was a previous skeptic. The repeated sightings in October have changed him into a possible believer, but this sighting tonight has finally converted him. He was very disappointed that I could not catch anything on film using two different digital cameras. I have no idea what type of camera would work.... Tonight's sighting is like nothing we have ever seen before or could have imagined. The entire object looked almost transparent and glowed and sparkled white. It is now 2100 11 pm est and I am going to go back out to see if it is still there. It is cloudy and it disappears then reappears as if it might be going behind the clouds but not sure, it might be fading in and out. image card.pngUFO NewsUFO News on FacebookEviland News Just For You
Posted by Unknown
6:44 AM