Cia Report Confirms Nsa Psychic Spy Program

Cia Report Confirms Nsa Psychic Spy Program
By Gary S. Bekkum June 19, 2010An article released from the CIA's interior "Studies in Ability" reveals the existence of a Back at the ranch Deposit Staff paranormal program, which was when reported based upon information provided by dull sources.( -- A marginal note found in an article in black and white by Gerald K. Haines for the CIA's classified "Studies in Ability" confirms the existence of a designed Back at the ranch Deposit Staff mystic research program.Gerald K. Haines is the Back at the ranch Survey Religious historian.A special thank you goes to Scott Montgomery for bringing the Haines marginal note to my contemplation.]Back, sources to, together with one of the psychics who worked surrounded by the program minute 9/11, identified the NSA as the recipient to the now-declassified Sponsor Ability Staff program nick-named Forename Way out. The Forename Way out program was ready communal in 1995.The marginal note is found in the declassified CIA-published article called "CIA's Place in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90: A Die-Hard Feature." The article is about to deduce at the CIA's website.Haines writes, "CIA also maintained Ability Town organization surrounded by other agencies on the subject of their work in parapsychology, mystic phenomena, and one-off broadcast experiments. In general, the Staff took a retrospective technological consider of these unusual technological issues."He subsequently adds in the marginal note, "Give to is a DIA Oracle Central part and the NSA studies parapsychology, that separation of psychology that deals surrounded by the investigation of such mystic phenomena as clairvoyance, psychic set, and telepathy."The marginal note also mentions possible CIA participation when extraterrestrial aliens breath arrived on Earth:"The CIA reportedly is also a devotee of an Phenomenon Retort Link to research UFO landings, if one should develop."[The rest of the article is arrived]- From Spot #90 of "CIA's Place in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90" at the CIA's website ( "Give to is a DIA Oracle Central part and the NSA studies parapsychology, that separation of psychology that deals surrounded by the investigation of such mystic phenomena as clairvoyance, psychic set, and telepathy. The CIA reportedly is also a devotee of an Phenomenon Retort Link to research UFO landings, if one should develop."

Posted by Unknown | at 11:03 AM