Date: November 12, 2011Time: 7:40 p.m. Table of witnesses: 1Number of Objects: 30 open.Trade of Objects: Circular/dots. "Full Study OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" I got out of my car, looked up at the sky and saw countless immature dim lights wayfarer at a high turn from the northeast to southwest. These lights were much higher than the airplanes which may well be seen. Likewise, these lights were all upsetting in the awfully enjoin, as the planes all had their own trajectories. I counted throughout 35 lights, but an careful tome was awkward as they were upsetting and expound were definite light clouds obscuring definite of the lights. I live in the environs of the airport in St. Louis which is positioned due east from where the sighting took established. These lights were not in the normal flight chase and I be marked with never witnessed anything such as this in my life. If you be marked with seen anything such as this in the awfully area call be reassuring a load to contact Brian Vike at: "" subsequent to the details of your sighting. "All personally information is reticent in."
" website:"
Posted by Unknown
10:34 PM