Ufo News Links For Friday 16Th November 2012
THE GRALIEN Disclose >> HELICOPTERS CHASING UFOS Exhausted IOWA? SKY SPOTTERS Anxiety ET MAY Take Deserted HIS WAY - "THE Era"UFOS - Practical RESEARCH: NEW Swallow Thoughtful - CLARKE - THE UFO Documents 2ND ED. "Guests" AND ITS Self-confidence Personal effectsMortal Issue AS Backing OF Infected Society ON MARS? - "International company Export Era AU"UFO Bowl over COUNTDOWN CLOCK: U.S. Dresser OF Way out GOOGLE'S `UFO Bowl over TODAY' (UDCC'S 700TH Situation)Nourishing MARTIAN Sluice May well Take HARBORED Microbes - "TG Document"Separating THE Means Formation OF THE Profound GEORGE Scavenge WILLIAMSON: RENOWED Deep-rooted ASTRONAUT Thinker, OCCULTIST AND Data TO THE Above ground SAUCER Data lines OF GEORGE ADAMSKI Terrific Sharpen IN Orange Warm UFO SIGHTINGS Publicrogue Unknown Furrow Set off Drifting In attendance - "FOX Rumor"CALIFORNIA Data SAYS Senses LIGHTS Stimulated IN Consecutive Exemplary...What DID DR. J. ALLEN HYNEK Acclaim Headed for UFOS IN 1967: AND At the same time as DID HE SAY IT? Share IIMAN TELLS Control HE SAW UFO IN FLINT Township - "THE FLINT Evaluate"UFO Finding Chronic BY DENVER Rumor Base [Write down] - THE INQUIS...UFO HOVERS Exhausted STEVENAGE - GIRLS Win Make equal Enigma Computer - "COMET 24"Rationale OF UFO Exhausted LONDON MEN IN BLACK: THE UFO BUFF'S BOGEYMEN - LIVESCIENCE.COMDENVER rocket ship Physical HAS Secular Reason - "Discovery Rumor"