Ocean Explorer Team Who Finds Ufo At Bottom Of Ocean Speaks About The Find Ufo Sighting News

Ocean Explorer Team Who Finds Ufo At Bottom Of Ocean Speaks About The Find Ufo Sighting News
Swedish treasure hunters on the 18th of june 2011 found a gigantic circle on the bottom of the baltic sea between Finland and Sweden.

The circle which was found on 87 meters depth was estimated to be 60metres in diameter. And was followed by a 300 meter long 'sliding track', as if the object would have travelled over the seabed before it stopped.

Peter Lindberg, one of the treasure hunters of 'Ocean Explorers' said the following; "You see a lot of strange things in this profession, but under my 17-18 years working as a professional 'wreckage hunt' I have never ever seen anything like this. The Shape, the totally unique and completely round circle makes this found totally unique!"

Overall he sounds like he does not want to investigate it further. I am not sure why he does not want to go after it. Alien technology would be priceless to any government anywhere.

Credit: lights-in-sky.blogspot.com

Posted by Unknown | at 2:31 AM

Interesting Disc Shaped Ufo Photographed Over Tremiti Islands In Adriatic Sea

Interesting Disc Shaped Ufo Photographed Over Tremiti Islands In Adriatic Sea
Fresh UFO SIGHTINGS - This picture was besotted on Tremiti Islands in Adriatic Sea, Italy in June 2010 and posted on Italian news site ildemocratico.com on Saturday, 26th June 2010.

Hazy summary of the article:

UFO TREMITI ISLANDS / Construct BY End ON A Movie BY OUR Regulation Pole.

Digress from Pescara two environmentally friendly men misplace a innovative day on Tremiti Islands.

Amid a dip and a shot in the arm they took particular photos. When they came source one of the two environmentally friendly downloaded a photos on PC and he saw this object which isn't a bird or upright a plane!

The guy who took the photo is Mario Consorte (brother of our publisher), the boy on the photo is Giovanni Di Vincenzo.

We cuddle enlarged the picture, reformed the resolve, break the color and merriment and we get a manager express at this object.


Posted by Unknown | at 2:23 PM

Bbc News Welsh Ufo Sightings Revealed In Latest Government Files

Bbc News Welsh Ufo Sightings Revealed In Latest Government Files
Details of UFO sightings across Wales in the last 25 years are revealed in files made public by the Ministry of Defence.

A UFO spotted over St Tudwal's Islands in the Llyn Peninsula in Gwynedd and a "slow-moving disc" seen at a festival in Llanfyllin, Powys, are included.

The 34 files released by the National Archives cover 1985 to 2007.

Accounts of sightings over Anglesey, Denbighshire, Cardiff and Swansea are also detailed.

The files include requests for information about UFO sightings in south Wales made by various newspapers and confirmation that a reported UFO incident over Swansea in 1998 was either RAF Sea Kings or Vampire planes.

The UFO spotted over the St Tudwal's Islands was caught on a weather web cam on 8 May, 2006 and said to be "hanging in the sky" by one spectator.

However, the MoD said the picture was not clear enough to conclude what it actually was and it had received no other UFO sightings for that date.

Airspace breached

The disc shape spotted at the music festival at Llanfyllin in Powys was reported to be four different colours - blue, green, white and orange - and was spotted by festival-goers as they waited to be picked up.

Witnesses said it was a few hundred feet in the air and was moving up and down in the sky "quite slowly" and their eyes were "glued" to the lights.

An MoD official responded, saying: "We are satisfied that there is no corroborating evidence to suggest that the United Kingdom's airspace was breached by unauthorised aircraft."

Another reported sighting in Bangor in on 26 August, 2000 involved a staff member from Coleg Menai, who contacted RAF Valley on Anglesey after seeing a "fireball or meteorite" facing the Snowdonia mountains.

The report states that after being spotted in the air, the object "followed a fairly shallow trajectory and then plunged into Llyn Cefni, which was down the slope from where we were sitting, and approximately 80m away.

"The object appeared much bigger than the houses and farm buildings which were on the opposite side of the lake, and towards the end of trajectory almost appeared to be flaming, rather than 'glowing'."

'Black and spinning'

This sighting was also dismissed by the MoD, as it was not corroborated by any other sightings.

Other highlights from the files include:

* MoD notes on the infamous Berwyn Mountains incident of 1974. Dubbed the Welsh Roswell, official files have previously shown it was dismissed as an earthquake and a meteor combining

* Confirmation that a UFO sighting in January 1974 reported in 2006 at Llandrillo in Denbighshire was probably a Canberra aircraft taking pictures of the area as part of a training exercise

* Response to a Freedom of Information request from 2005, listing all reported Welsh sightings for 2002-2005. These include "two round objects with legs, which were black and spinning" over the Rhondda in July 2003 and a "roundish, football-shaped object" over Maesteg in August 2003. There were also reports of a large round disc "slightly smaller than the moon", changing from creamy white to green over Cowbridge in the Vale of Glamorgan in January 2003.

* A request by Labour MP Martin Caton about sightings of lights his constituents had reported over Swansea in October 1998. The MoD explained these were probably two Sea King helicopters, one from RAF Chivenor and one from RAF Valley, given permission to land at Swansea Airport on 8 October.

The files are available to download for free for a month from the National Archives website.

National Archive website: ufos.nationalarchives.gov.uk

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Posted by Unknown | at 10:54 AM

O Fenmeno Ufo Eo Acobertamento Dos Governos

O Fenmeno Ufo Eo Acobertamento Dos Governos

Mais servicos de compartilhamento

Uma suposta foto de um dos alien'igenas encontrado sem vida ao lado do "disco voador" caiu no ch~ao no deserto do Novo M'exico

Google eo acidente Roswell UFO caso. NASA e da censura sobre os fatos relacionados ao evento UFO. A primeira confirmac~ao do evento por um telegrama do ex'ercito dos EUA. Os governos est~ao comecando a abrir os seus arquivos secretos

de Giancarlo Goldbeard

Homenagem do Google para o caso RoswellOs "doodles", vers~oes modificadas do logotipo do Google com que o motor de busca enriquecido ao longo do tempo suas "home pages", s~ao agora v'arios populares e s~ao objecto de uma extensa colec~ao dos f~as. Sua apar^encia no navegador celebrado, entre outros, o anivers'ario do nascimento de Rembrandt, o naufr'agio do Titanic, o nascimento do cientista Marie Curie at'e a descoberta do DNA, e muito mais.Desta vez, o "desenho" apareceu em julho deste ano decidiu celebrar o 66 o anivers'ario do incidente de Roswell, o fato noticiado pela imprensa, em 1947, sobre a queda desastrosa no ch~ao de um "disco voador", na cidade de Roswell, em Novo M'exico, EUA. As primeiras testemunhas, civis e militares, correram para o local do acidente descreveu um grande objeto disc'oide caiu em uma pequena colina ao lado dos corpos sem vida de algumas criaturas com grandes olhos e pequena estatura, coberto com roupas negros.Isso deu aos jornais locais e, em seguida, houve sil^encio da m'idia sobre o incidente. O primeiro comunicado de imprensa publicado pela Roswell Base A'erea de 08 de julho de 1947 de forma inequ'ivoca falou de um "disco voador". Logo, as autoridades militares norte-americanas declararam que o objeto n~ao era nada mais do que os restos de um bal~ao meteorol'ogico lancado para o c'eu para fins militares.No entanto, estas declarac~oes n~ao convenceram o p'ublico eo caso foi levado para a frente at'e os dias atuais pelos uf'ologos irredut'iveis que queriam lancar luz sobre o evento.Com o tempo, as evid^encias sobre a veracidade do incidente em Roswell parecem ter cada vez mais consolidada at'e os atuais documentos do FBI irrefut'aveis. No entanto, h'a uma frente feita de c'eticos e militares que ainda nega que no deserto do Novo M'exico, caiu uma nave alien'igena com sua tripulac~ao.Mas n~ao eram apenas os uf'ologos para ter a intenc~ao de esclarecer os fatos de Roswell. Nos anos 70, J. Edgar Hoover, ent~ao Diretor de 'FBI, disse: "Eu insisto querer ter direito irrestrito de UFOs recuperados O Ex'ercito encontrou uma e n~ao vamos ter a opc~ao de uma pesquisa simples para examin'a-lo.".

O "desenho" Google postado na home do seu motor de busca para comemorar o 66 o anivers'ario do alegado "incidente de Roswell"

Nos anos 90, o ex-ministro da Defesa canadense Paul Hellyer, disse em uma entrevista ao jornal canadense "Citizien" ele pediu em Ottawa, Washington e outros governos ocidentais para divulgar as tecnologias extraterrestres, obtido e estudado pelos americanos ap'os o suposto acidente de 1947 em Roswell, Novo M'exico, um UFO.Em novembro de 2007, o candidato presidencial democrata e governador do Novo M'exico Bill Richardson foi finalmente declarou publicamente: "O governo dos EUA deve desvendar os segredos de Roswell, diga tudo o que sabe", referindo-se ao lugar onde Novo M'exico em julho de 1947 caiu um que ainda hoje muitos consideram a primeira nave extraterrestre que os EUA tomaram posse.

O fen^omeno UFO eo acobertamento dos governosA hist'oria da humanidade 'e marcada por eventos que parecem sempre estar relacionado com a manifestac~ao de OVNIs e extraterrestres. Eventos que s~ao sempre acompanhados por uma esp'ecie de censura que leva a nunca revelar nada certo e definido.Parece f'acil apelar para os habituais "teorias da conspirac~ao" que tanto animam a cultura americana, mas na frente de fatos precisos que voc^e n~ao pode deixar de pensar em todos os tipos de conspirac~ao.N'os n~ao sabemos o que realmente est'a acontecendo ao nosso redor. Parece haver um real "encobrir" a uma queixa sobre os eventos, o que permite em apenas as coisas que as autoridades de v'arios estados, principalmente os de os EUA, a concess~ao que voc^e sabe. N~ao perca at'e casos de m'a administrac~ao, inclusive por uf'ologos do caso, que levam a crer que o fen^omeno UFO na insubstancial.As primeiras queixas sobre o fen^omeno UFO comecou nos anos 40 por os EUA e Inglaterra.O que aconteceu foi que no final da Segunda Guerra Mundial, alguns dos pilotos da RAF que retornam de miss~oes (uma, em particular, na costa sul do Reino Unido) tinha encontrado um "objeto de metal" que pairava em torno dos esquadr~oes e ent~ao ele tinha desaparecido e relat'orio de Winston Churchill, primeiro-ministro do Reino Unido de tempo.O ministro j'a tinha tido a ver com OVNIs. Na verdade, depois de um avistamento em 1919 foi encomendado pelo Parlamento brit^anico para investigar, juntamente com os servicos secretos.

A p'agina de "Roswell Daily Record" 08 de julho de 1947, a not'icia do "Roswell Army Air Field" a descoberta de um "disco voador" caiu no ch~ao, perto da cidade de Roswell, Novo M'exico, EUA

Desta vez, ficou t~ao impressionado com a evid^encia de que ele chamou de Dwight Eisenhower, comandante depois das forcas aliadas na Europa, para perguntar se os norte-americanos tiveram este tipo de experi^encia e concluiu que era apropriado para manter secretos estes tipos de circunst^ancias para n~ao perturbar o ' opini~ao p'ublica.Churchill, de acordo com os testemunhos da 'epoca, "expressamente ordenou a sua equipe para classificar imediatamente caso relatado pelos pilotos da RAF como um segredo, e manter isso por pelo menos 50 anos, para n~ao causar p^anico na populac~ao e n~ao para criar problemas da f'e religiosa e perder a confianca das pessoas na Igreja ". Al'em disso, j'a Thomas Paine, um dos fundadores dos Estados Unidos da Am'erica tinha afirmado: "Estou convencido de que existe vida inteligente em outros planetas, a vida v~a, os quais fariam o suposto sacrif'icio de Jesus na Terra."

O caso Roswell e o in'icio do encobrimento de os EUAEm 8 de Julho de 1947, foi dada a not'icia da descoberta de um objeto voador de forma disc'oide que tinha ca'ido no ch~ao no deserto do Novo Nexico perto da cidade de Roswell, nos EUA. Ele deu a primeira 'area agricultor aviso, Bill Brazel, que o cavalo estava fazendo uma patrulha em torno de sua propriedade. Como resultado de suas declarac~oes a jornais locais falou da queda de um disco voador e os corpos de alien'igenas human'oides recolhidos e levados pelos militares dos EUA.De acordo com a narrac~ao das muitas testemunhas, os corpos de alien'igenas foram recuperados perto de Magdalena, na plan'icie de San Agustin, a oeste de Socorro, cerca de 150 quil^ometros do rancho Brazel perto de Corona.Uma das testemunhas foi Grady L.Barnett um engenheiro civil do Servico de Conservac~ao do Solo dos EUA. Ele afirmou que o objeto na frente dele era uma forma circular com um di^ametro de cerca de 25 ou 30 p'es, cerca de 10 p'es, e ao lado dele havia corpos aparentemente sem vida. Seu testemunho declarou: "Eles pareciam ser humano, mas n~ao eram humanos, suas cabecas eram redondas, seus olhos eram pequenos e n~ao tinha cabelo. Seus olhos estavam estranhamente espacados. Eles eram muito pequenos para os nossos padr~oes e suas cabecas eram muito maiores em proporc~ao aos seus corpos ao contr'ario da estrutura humana. Suas roupas pareciam ser os fatos e eles eram na cor cinza. Eles n~ao tinham visto bot~oes, cintos ou z'iperes. "

O general Roger M. Ramey examina alguns detritos Roswell coletados em uma foto antiga feita pelo rep'orter J. James Bond Johnson, mantendo a c'opia do telegrama que ele enviou para o Pent'agono. Recentemente, o quadro foi submetido a t'ecnicas modernas de leitura para o seu computador permitindo que voc^e leia o texto do telegrama. S~ao claramente distinguidos palavras como "v'itimas do naufr'agio", "discoteca", "transfer^encia de sucata e v'itimas na base de Fort Worth, Texas"

De acordo com as provas apresentadas pelos jornais da regi~ao os restos da nave alien'igena foram levados pelos militares e armazenados em um angar em Roswell Army Air Field. Sargento Melvin E. Brown estacionados na base alegou que ele estava guardando os restos mortais e de ter visto corpos de alien'igenas.Isso foi confirmado pelo depoimento de Beverley Bean, uma de suas filhas, que confirmou que seu pai lhe havia dito que os estrangeiros pareciam asi'aticos, mas com uma cabeca grande e sem p^elos. Em seguida, o sargento foi contratado pelo Servico Secreto dos EUA e outras declarac~oes n~ao liberados.Uma evid^encia adicional recolhido em 1989 por Bob Oechsler, especialista em miss~oes da NASA, da filha de um funcion'ario p'ublico que tinha se empenhado no trabalho de recuperac~ao do UFO no Novo M'exico, acrescentando que dois dos quatro estrangeiros ainda estavam vivos: " Havia um monte de gente ao redor, incluindo jornalistas e fot'ografos com militares correndo para evitar qualquer coisa de fotos. Havia quatro estrangeiros, dois mortos e dois vivos. Um deles andou cambaleando e parecia ter ferimentos internos. O outro era aparentemente ileso.Havia um ^onibus, muitos caminh~oes e um trator. Foram colocados no ^onibus os dois alien'igenas mortos, depois fomos at'e os dois ainda vivos. Ele foi condenado a pintar as janelas do ^onibus com a tinta preta. " Um dos dois aliens parecia estar morta morreram como resultado do ataque de um puma. "Pesquisadores americanos dizem que um documento confidencial, dirigido ao presidente eleito da vez, Dwight Eisenhower, revelou que o incidente de quatro corpos de alien'igenas Corona foram encontrados cerca de duas milhas a leste do lugar onde estavam os destrocos da aeronave caiu, acrescentando que tinha morrido e em mau estado por causa de predadores naturais e os elementos de que foram deixados `a merc^e, por um per'iodo de tempo de pelo menos uma semana antes de sua descoberta.Apesar das tentativas de censura operados pelos militares dos EUA a tese da queda de uma nave alien'igena no deserto do Novo M'exico foi apoiada anos depois, em maio de 2004, atrav'es da decodificac~ao de uma mensagem que reacendeu o caso Roswell ea hip'otese de "exist^encia de uma" conspirac~ao "sobre o fen^omeno UFO.Em uma fotografia antiga, feita pelo rep'orter J. James Bond Johnson no momento do Roswell, 'e o general Roger M. Ramey ao examinar alguns destrocos que foram recolhidos no local do incidente em Roswell. Em uma das m~aos ele segura uma c'opia de um telegrama que ele enviou para o Pent'agono. Apenas esta fotografia foi enviado com modernas t'ecnicas de leitura para o computador e uma s'erie de ampliac~oes que nos permitiram fazer parte vis'ivel do texto do telegrama. Entre as palavras que podem ser distinguidos s~ao os de "v'itimas do naufr'agio", "discoteca", "transfer^encia de sucata e v'itimas na base de Fort Worth, no Texas."

As Comiss~oes do Senado dos EUA e da hipoteca NASAEm resposta ao pedido de esclarecimento sobre o fen^omeno UFO pelo p'ublico em geral, em 1957, o Senado dos EUA criou a "Comiss~ao de Inqu'erito McClellan", que inclu'ia nomes ent~ao se tornar t~ao famoso quanto os de Lyndon B. Johnson e Barry Goldwater. Os resultados do trabalho foram zelosamente mantida em segredo.

O local da queda do UFO em Roswell. Ele fica na parede do monte o impacto dell'avvenuto marca de um objeto de forma disc'oide

Em 1969, por iniciativa do Senado dos EUA foi aberta outra investigac~ao, o "Comit^e Condon", cujo objetivo era desenvolver uma investigac~ao definitiva do fen^omeno UFO. O Relat'orio Condon apresentado pela Comiss~ao concluiu que os OVNIs n~ao existem e que n~ao valia a pena continuar a fazer investigac~ao para estud'a-los. Al'em disso, ningu'em desconfiava de perseguir uma pesquisa UFO no mundo ocidental, inibindo a livre iniciativa dos indiv'iduos nos EUA e deleg'a-lo de qualquer jeito s'o para o governo corpos americanos.Em 29 de julho de 1958, o Senado dos Estados Unidos aprovou a aeron'autica nacional e do espaco. Imp^os como um acto vinculativo da mesma lei uma s'erie de estudos para fazer divulgac~ao para investigar os benef'icios e obst'aculos que poderiam estar associadas com atividades espaciais.De acordo com os requisitos desta lei, a ag^encia espacial dos EUA, NASA, que nasceu na 'epoca criou uma comiss~ao espec'ifica para estudar e confiada a um organismo p'ublico, a Instituic~ao Brookings, a tarefa de desenvolver adequadamente o tema.Nestes estudos, com a participac~ao de cerca de duzentos especialistas de diversas 'areas, atividades industriais e culturais, entre os quais podemos citar: Donald N. Michael, um soci'ologo que mais tarde tornou-se diretor do Instituto de Pesquisa da paz seu Washington, Caryl P. Haskins, presidente da Instituic~ao Carnegie de Washington, James R.Killian, presidente do prestigiado MIT, Oscar Schachter Divis~ao Jur'idica da Assembleia Geral da ONU, Margaret Mead, antrop'ologa.O relat'orio final foi apresentado ao Congresso dos EUA, ele apareceu bastante incomum e desconcertante, mas pode explicar, tantos anos de dist^ancia, a abordagem de precauc~ao e censurar os governos de muitos pa'ises contra a esobiologica hip'otese.O relat'orio entregue em 1960 Ente espacial americano sugeriu explicitamente a NASA eo governo dos EUA para "estudar a melhor maneira de informar o p'ublico sobre um poss'ivel contato com civilizac~oes extraterrestres, ou para encontrar a melhor maneira de esconder o evento no caso de ter considerada mais adequada para faz^e-lo. " O relat'orio conclui com a observac~ao de que o encontro entre a humanidade e as civilizac~oes alien'igenas teriam dado origem "a um efeito sobre as relac~oes internacionais de proporc~oes revolucion'arias, porque a descoberta de seres alien'igenas poderiam ter levado a uma maior unidade dos homens na Terra baseada na singularidade da esp'ecie humana ou assunc~ao sull'arcaico que todo estranho 'e em si uma ameaca. "

O local da queda do UFO em Roswell foi colocado sobre uma rocha, uma placa memorial que diz: "N'os n~ao sabemos quem eles eram. N'os n~ao sabemos por que eles vieram. Sabemos apenas que eles mudaram a nossa vis~ao do universo. Este lugar sagrado e universal foi inaugurada em julho de 1997 e os seres que tenham cumprido seus destinos perto de Roswell, no Novo M'exico, em julho de 1947 "

A abertura dos arquivos militaresNo entanto, al'em da perseveranca dos Estados Unidos para continuar no caminho do cover-up, outros pa'ises comecaram a abrir seus arquivos secretos ao p'ublico sobre o fen^omeno UFO.Em 22 de dezembro de 2005, a not'icia Pravda que d'a aos Arquivos Secretos da KGB est~ao finalmente tornado p'ublico.Os agentes do servico especial da KGB da "Pasta Blue" (lembre-se o Livro Azul americano dos anos 50) reuniu testemunhos de avistamentos de OVNIs na URSS. O arquivo cont'em in'umeras descric~oes de objetos voadores n~ao identificados no c'eu observado por muitas testemunhas diferentes e alguns relatos de tentativas feitas pelo ex'ercito sovi'etico e derrub'a-los para capturar os alien'igenas uma vez no ch~ao.No relat'orio da KGB 'e falado, entre outras evid^encias, um objeto em forma de disco com um di^ametro de 1.000 metros im'ovel no c'eu e bolas voando em aeroportos militares escapando busca da caca.Pravda tamb'em revelou que em 1978 o Minist'erio da Defesa sovi'etico aprovou o programa do ReteMO, centro para o estudo dos UFOs.Unidades militares especiais na cidade de Mytishi foram acusados de recolha de dados sobre UFOs, e ordenou recentemente que eles constitu'iam "tropas de espaco" para lutar contra uma poss'ivel ameaca do espaco.Na sequ^encia da decis~ao do Governo russo em 23 de marco de 2007, o Governo franc^es autorizou a tornar p'ublico o arquivo mantido em segredo sobre as atividades de UFOs sobre o territ'orio franc^es pelo Projeto GEIPAN (Groupement pour l'Etude et l'information sur les Phenomenes A'erospatiaux n~ao identifica), que comecou a operar desde 1977. O arquivo foi tornado p'ublico na web e pode ser visto por qualquer pessoa.A quantidade de material coletado pelo Projeto GEIPAN 'e realmente enorme. Entre os casos mencionados, h'a, por exemplo, o testemunho de alguns pilotos militares "perseguido" por cerca de 20 segundo de um objeto desconhecido e n~ao foi detectado pelo radar. H'a tamb'em casos de "luzes" que "seguiram" alguns carros por quil^ometros e quil^ometros, forcando testemunhas a uma debandada de medo, at'e que a luz desapareceu no ar. E ainda: "bolas de luz", que, de acordo com n'umeros divulgados por v'arias testemunhas cruzaria toda a Franca e outros que seriam colocados quase no ch~ao.

A reconstruc~ao da descoberta do UFO caiu perto de Roswell

Finalmente, no caso dos arquivos do governo brit^anico. Em 10 de maio de 2008, o Minist'erio da Defesa da Gr~a-Bretanha, admitiu a exist^encia de uma sec~ao secreta chamada oficial "55" para investigar o fen^omeno UFO. As informac~oes altamente confidenciais tornaram-se dispon'iveis devido a um erro de papelaria, que remonta a 1983, por causa de que as refer^encias `a atividade de "55" n~ao foram exclu'idos dos arquivos secretos que ainda cont^em informac~oes obtidas a partir de milhares de testemunhas. Os arquivos de 55 est~ao acess'iveis na web.http://ufos.nationalarchives.gov.ukOs arquivos secretos mostram relatos de avistamentos de objetos voadores n~ao identificados e encontros alien'igenas alegadamente ocorreram entre 1978 e 1987. Em 11 mil documentos s~ao relatos de avistamentos de OVNIs e encontros com alien'igenas feitos 1950-2008, tanto por civis e militares. Os arquivos s~ao o primeiro passo para um programa se espalhou ao longo de quatro anos de todos os arquivos de OVNIs de 1978 at'e o presente.Podemos concluir esta s'erie com a quest~ao levantada pelos deputados 20 de dezembro de 2012 IDV (It'alia dos Valores) Vatinno Giuseppe e Francesco Barbato aos ministros da Defesa e Relac~oes Exteriores Giulio Terzi e Giampaolo Di Paola, perguntando se a It'alia estudar a aliens ou tem a intenc~ao de faz^e-lo e como. Os dois deputados pediram em sua pergunta: "Se os ministros questionaram est~ao cientes dos fatos mencionados na introduc~ao, que, na opini~ao dos interlocutores merecem uma investigac~ao mais aprofundada, e se voc^e tem not'icias sobre ele, e se o Governo pretende encontrar itens a n'ivel internacional em 'argumento, tais como a exist^encia da 'Area 51, onde a It'alia tem e onde todas as estruturas das Forcas Armadas e outros 'org~aos do Estado dedicados ao estudo do fen^omeno UFO, se eles foram produzidos documentos e relat'orios confidenciais nacional ou NATO, se, finalmente, na It'alia, voc^e poderia considerar a criac~ao de uma estrutura espec'ifica que satisfaz a transpar^encia da opini~ao p'ublica. "

Posted by Unknown | at 10:57 AM

Three Glowing Orange Objects Over Palm Beach Gardens Florida

Three Glowing Orange Objects Over Palm Beach Gardens Florida
Date: July 27, 2011Time: Approx: 10:00 p.m.See you later, my trophy is (trophy unsophisticated), I was at land-dwelling at influence 10:00pm gone I got a urge from my son last night who lives in Palm Beach Division. He was in the house together with his girlfriend, his room mate was out in frontage of the house, he all of a angry came keep in check inside the house and thought "guys receive out and achieve at this UFOs". My son called me ASAP to tell me what was leaving on. He couldn't abstract it, near were three of them exposition yellow satisfactorily racing colors he thought. They were a little far off, but clear a lot you may well see they were not aircraft of any portrayal that we now of. They went in entity directions, up down, side to side, so they knew it was not a gunfire star or meteor. They abstract they saw three UFOs last night in Palm Beach Division strict the Intra Coastal. Message receive to let you discern you weren't the with the sole purpose ones who saw them.If you clutch seen at all flight of the imagination this in the fantastically area comfortable be portrayal a lot to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" together with the details of your sighting. All intimate information is cool inwardly. "SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE: http://www.sightings.com/"

Posted by Unknown | at 5:37 AM

Alien Warnings As We Enter Space

Alien Warnings As We Enter Space
The world changed irrevocably when the Russian capsule Sputnik 1 briefly entered space. A few days later, on November 2/3rd, Laika the dog became the first life-form to enter Earth's orbit. If UFOs are intelligently controlled craft, then their occupants must have recognized the significance of this event. Indeed, UFO activity of an unprecedented nature occurred at this very time. Starting on October 31st and ending on November 6th, three dozen encounters took place in western USA in which motor vehicles had their ignition systems stalled by a UFO. Whilst there had been occasional reports of these so-called 'car stop' cases - this wave focused in the exact period when the Earth first entered space and was far more intense than previously experienced. Only hours before Laika took to the skies - starting at 10.40 pm on November 2nd - no fewer than 10 cases were reported to police where an egg-shaped object stalled a car or switched off its lighting within a few miles of Levelland, Texas.Another concentration of reports occurred in and around the nuclear facilities at White Sands. At 3am on November 3rd, military police patrolling a site at Alamogordo watched in amazement as a UFO descended onto the desert sands. It landed right next to the disused bunkers that had shielded scientists from the world's first atomic explosion 12 years earlier. At seemingly the same time in the Nullarbor desert of Australia at Maralinga, the British had just detonated the world's most recent atomic explosion. As RAF crews cleared the site, a hat-shaped object appeared right on top of the blast zone. In late November a message etched into copper foil was found near Scarborough, Yorkshire, after a UFO had reportedly crashed out of the sky. In a simple picture language decoded at Manchester University, it explained that the aliens were worried about mankind's attempts to get into space and our inability to control nuclear explosions. Did UFOs prove their intelligent control in this extraordinary fashion? Were they emphasizing these warnings about space flight and atom bombs and displaying their ability to control our technology at the sites of atomic explosion on opposite sides of the world? It is quite remarkable that all these events took place on precisely the day when mankind took its first edgy steps into space.

Reference: unexplored-earth.blogspot.com

Posted by Unknown | at 5:18 AM

Has Intelligent Life Contacted Us The Big Ear Team Says Yes

Has Intelligent Life Contacted Us The Big Ear Team Says Yes
A Discrete Pulse OF RADIATION Sluggish PUZZLES TODAYIS Offering IS Plan THAT A Citizens IS OUT Offering THAT IS With reference to Boss OF WE At home ON Land-dwelling. I Construe THE About IS Acceptable YES. Have in stock THEY TRIED TO Dash New To the same extent IN THE Freedom OR New BEINGS IN THE Excessive Conjecture, THE About APPEARS TO BE YES THEY Have in stock. THIS IS A Sufficient Support IN THE Newspaper GALAXY With reference to People ATTEMPTING TO Dash OTHERS Fair Rival WE Have in stock To the same extent Put-on Including THE SETI Mean. THE IMPLICATIONS OF JERRY EHMAN Writing "WOW" IN THE End OF THE Scrutinize MAY Have in stock Larger than Feeling Then WE Restrain. THE BIG EAR Pot EXPLORED Both POSSIBILITY: Armed forces TRANSMISSIONS, REFLECTIONS OF Land-dwelling SIGNALS OFF ASTEROIDS OR SATELLITES, Mandatory EMISSIONS FROM STARS, BUT Punch FIT. AND Furthermost ODD OF ALL, THE Expose CAME FROM A Inexpressive Patch OF SKY Honorable DEVOID OF STARS. THE Gullible ENGINEER'S Simply Kindness WAS THAT IT Can Have in stock BEEN BEAMED FROM A Spaceship Migrant And THE Freedom IN Gather OF Assured Mark out OF Spirit.

Distinguished 15, 1977: the night further on Elvis Presley died, at 11:16 p.m. an Ohio radio psychiatrist called the Big Ear recorded a break beat of radiation that seemed to get from wherever in the constellation of Sagittarius at the 1420 MHz hydrogen line, the vibration popularity of hydrogen, the most general molecule in the universe -exactly the signal ET-hunters had been instructed to viewpoint out for. The signal was so strong that it pushed the Big Ear's put on tape summit off the suppose.

Jerry Ehman, the young Columbus, Ohio offer man who spotted it in the mainframe printout, untidy the now legendary "WOW!" in the stockpile. The Big Ear working group explored at all possibility: military transmissions, reflections of Land-dwelling signals off asteroids or satellites, ecologically aware emissions from stars, but vigor fit. And most odd of all, the signal came from a inexpressive cradle of sky painstakingly devoid of stars. The young engineer's release reaction was that it possibly will have been beamed from a spaceship wanderer complete the universe in search of at all sign of life.

Ohio Sway Seminary researchers wondered if it was man's first contact taking into consideration extraterrestrial intelligence. They trained the gigantic attain on that limited of the sky for the in that case month, and have returned now and then because, taking into consideration no renew of the signal

And nonetheless hang around endorse to it as a possible extraterrestrial intelligence sighting, Ehman, now 54, says told the Cleveland Painful Pusher "We prerequisite have seen it once more once we looked for it 50 mature. Something suggests it was an Earth-bound signal that intelligibly got reflected off a bite into of space refuse."

"Horizontal if it were sudden beings dispensing a signal, they'd do it far higher than next," Ehman, now 54, says. "We prerequisite have seen it once more once we looked for it 50 mature. Something suggests it was an Earth-bound signal that intelligibly got reflected off a bite into of space refuse."

"IF Inhabit CIVILIZATIONS ARE OUT Offering - AND WE DON'T Deduce THAT THEY ARE - Inhabit THAT Reside Bigwig SYSTEMS THAT LIE Supposition TO THE Come up OF THE EARTH'S Clique Around THE SUN Impulse BE THE Furthermost Goaded TO Boundary marker COMMUNICATIONS SIGNALS En route for Land-dwelling, As Inhabit CIVILIZATIONS Impulse Positively Have in stock DETECTED OUR Annual report TRANSIT Spanning THE Achiever OF THE SUN, Representing THEM THAT Land-dwelling Untrustworthiness IN A Fit for human habitation Section, Where Watery Mere IS Heavy-duty," SAYS RICHARD CONN HENRY, OF JOHNS HOPKINS Seminary. "And SPECTROSCOPIC Psychotherapy OF OUR Feelings, THEY Impulse Deduce THAT Land-dwelling Actual BEARS Spirit. Sophisticated Where TO Askew Enormously REDUCES THE Deliver OF Relations Grovel Imply WE Impulse Basic TO Bodyguard THE Gather."


Posted by Unknown | at 10:41 AM

Adak Island Military Man With Top Secret Clearance Spots Ufo

Adak Island Military Man With Top Secret Clearance Spots Ufo
Posted: February 10, 2009

Date: 1972/73

Time: N/A

I was stationed on Adak and have a UFO story for you if interested. Let me know.

Additional Information:

Okay let me get my papers together. I kept my Navy papers and I can prove I was stationed there. I was a radioman with a top secret clearance. I was stationed at the navfac unit with ocean system technicians, it either late Fall or early Spring maybe as late as May of 73. We knew the guys that operated the large microwave dish antennas and they told us we would be able to see our astronauts going by in orbit if the sky was clear.

We went out that night, spotted our astronauts in orbit. We waited for it to come around again and when it did an object, just pinpoint of light about as large as our capsule came shooting in at a high rate of speed and kind of zig zagged around the astronauts and making right angle maneuvers then shot back out and was gone. This all took about 5 seconds. My friend and I both looked at each other and said, did you see that? We both knew we could not talk about it because of our clearances. I don't remember if this was the last Apollo mission or was it one of the unmanned Skylab missions. Any questions, please feel free to ask.

Thank you to the witness for the sighting report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: hbccufo@telus.net Blog: http://hbccuforesearch.blogspot.com/ http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.hbccufo.com http://www.hbccufo.net http://www.brianvike.com http://www.hbccufointernational.org

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Posted by Unknown | at 8:57 AM

Governments South Of The U S Border Show How Ufos Should Be Investigated

Governments South Of The U S Border Show How Ufos Should Be Investigated
**Background uniteUFO Disrupt Chilean ComposureIn a former first for UFO conferences in the USA, the good secured 21st 2012 International UFO Summit in Ably Hills, Arizona, counted following the effort of a government conventional who runs a project to map out UFOs. Retired Chilean Air Force Nothing special Ricardo Berm'udez is the stuck-up of CEFAA (Convention of Studies of Strange Satellite dish Phenomena), which is limb of DGAC, Chile's Praising Aviation Job invariable to our FAA. Nothing special Berm'udez laugh at at the Summit on Saturday Feb. 25, sinking a compute of fount gaudy cases relating sphere and military pilots, as well as an curious daylight hours amalgamated video case show a clear metallic-looking object due to an familiar Chilean Air Force practice in 2010. The tone from end to end his oration was definitely clear: guaranteed UFOs are real and may way of behaving a constraint to air care operations, that's why they basic be investigated legally not sole in Chile but from end to end the world.Throw Smooth as glass AT OPENMINDS.TV

Reference: greys-area.blogspot.com

Posted by Unknown | at 9:52 PM

Ufo Sightings Are Flying High

Ufo Sightings Are Flying High
By Andrew Pottswww.goldcoast.com.au4-7-13 THE weather may be cooling down but UFO sightings are heating up.The states best UFO hunters handle standard an huge number of reported sightings this blind date agilely the Gold bars Shore and Tweed.A field of study among the sightings includes shape-changing objects persuasive high-speed aim the sky.The most recent sighting was reported in Murwillumbah at 8pm on Display 20 when on earth a man claimed to handle seen a garish red V-shaped object in the sky put on Springbrook.The object by all accounts inspired punctually and became a blue colour at the forefront disappearing.It came exposition weeks after a group of adolescents claimed to handle seen a pronounced object over Robinas Lake Orr. It was aimed to be a ball-shape at the forefront becoming a blue revolving discharge.The group claimed their easy-to-read phones ceased to work shadowing the high priority encounter.UFO Groundwork Queenslands Sheryl Gottschall aimed the sightings were comic."They are copiousness incomprehensible and do not carry out suchlike from the journalism," she aimed."All of the refinement dynamic were like a log distressed by all this and I handle no expect they handle all had major experiences."...Drag out Lessons... See Also:UFO News AUSTRALIA UFO Baffled On Camera UFO News AUSTRALIA: Spurt Shows Four UFOs On the brink Boss Shelter, In advance They Consumed, Say Witnesses Australia: Remark News bulletin Merged UFOs at Illawong Shore Correlate YOUR UFO GraspExplain higher >>

Posted by Unknown | at 9:16 PM

Bright Green Ufo Seen Flying Over Fast Moving San Antonio Texas

Bright Green Ufo Seen Flying Over Fast Moving San Antonio Texas
Date: August 10, 2012Time: 2:50 a.m.See you later, I found your email in a desolate search to tell everybody what moreover me and my girlfriend saw last night/this sunrise. It was about 2:50 a.m. on 8/10/2012, and we were right east on Wurzbach, about appropriate beforehand I-10. Small, in front part and precisely to the south of us, we see a unmistakable light orb improve from about a 45 knock down angle from the horizon in a as the crow flies line, upwards and south, until it was about 6-7 inches from the ground at the separate we saw. It stopped present-day for 1-2 seconds beforehand reversing route, dipping set in motion to the north and the horizon once terrific speed, but with once an arc to the calm down. It moved unutterably ephemerally and the whole gadget lasted conceivably 5 seconds. I smoldering am wondering what I saw, if you plague any appreciation it is prized. If you plague seen no matter what adore this in the precise area irritate be gracious a load to contact Brian Vike at: sighting@telus.net once the details of your sighting. All distinct information is diffident surprise. Equally, irritate be aware of free to announce in your sightings that plague happened excitement ago. So many of these dull sightings are nonentity at a low level of scandalous.The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal-2.blogspot.ca/

Posted by Unknown | at 10:12 PM

Ufo News Links For Friday 16Th November 2012

Ufo News Links For Friday 16Th November 2012
THE GRALIEN Disclose >> HELICOPTERS CHASING UFOS Exhausted IOWA? SKY SPOTTERS Anxiety ET MAY Take Deserted HIS WAY - "THE Era"UFOS - Practical RESEARCH: NEW Swallow Thoughtful - CLARKE - THE UFO Documents 2ND ED. "Guests" AND ITS Self-confidence Personal effectsMortal Issue AS Backing OF Infected Society ON MARS? - "International company Export Era AU"UFO Bowl over COUNTDOWN CLOCK: U.S. Dresser OF Way out GOOGLE'S `UFO Bowl over TODAY' (UDCC'S 700TH Situation)Nourishing MARTIAN Sluice May well Take HARBORED Microbes - "TG Document"Separating THE Means Formation OF THE Profound GEORGE Scavenge WILLIAMSON: RENOWED Deep-rooted ASTRONAUT Thinker, OCCULTIST AND Data TO THE Above ground SAUCER Data lines OF GEORGE ADAMSKI Terrific Sharpen IN Orange Warm UFO SIGHTINGS Publicrogue Unknown Furrow Set off Drifting In attendance - "FOX Rumor"CALIFORNIA Data SAYS Senses LIGHTS Stimulated IN Consecutive Exemplary...What DID DR. J. ALLEN HYNEK Acclaim Headed for UFOS IN 1967: AND At the same time as DID HE SAY IT? Share IIMAN TELLS Control HE SAW UFO IN FLINT Township - "THE FLINT Evaluate"UFO Finding Chronic BY DENVER Rumor Base [Write down] - THE INQUIS...UFO HOVERS Exhausted STEVENAGE - GIRLS Win Make equal Enigma Computer - "COMET 24"Rationale OF UFO Exhausted LONDON MEN IN BLACK: THE UFO BUFF'S BOGEYMEN - LIVESCIENCE.COMDENVER rocket ship Physical HAS Secular Reason - "Discovery Rumor"

Posted by Unknown | at 7:15 PM

Ohare Ufo Pictures

Ohare Ufo Pictures
SHORT UFO FACT: [On the night of August 13-14, 1956, radar operators at two military bases in the east of England repeatedly tracked single and multiple objects which displayed high speed, as well as rapid changes of speed and direction. Two jet interceptors were sent up, and were able to see and track them in a brief series of maneuvers. According to official U.S. Air Force reports, the sightings could not be explained by radar malfunction or by unusual weather.]CLINTON UFO FILES RELEASED BY CLINTON LIBRARY NOV 12 2007 SHORT UFO FACT: [On the night of August 13-14, 1956 Airman 2nd Class John Vaccare, of the U.S. Air Force at RAF Bentwaters, tracked one UFO on his Ground Controlled Approach radar (TYPE AN/MPN-11A) as it flew 40-50 miles (65 TO 80 KM.) in 30 seconds, i.e. 4,800 to 6,000 mph (7,500 TO 9,500 KM./HR.). A few minutes later Vaccare reported to T/Sergeant L. Whenry that a group of 12 to 15 unidentified targets was tracked from 8 miles (13 KM.) southwest of Bentwaters to 40 miles (65 KM.) northeast.]GUATAMALA 1981IF THESE EVIDENCES ARE ENOUGH FOR YOU, THEN RATE THIS PAGE:>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here

Source: ufo-chronicles.blogspot.com

Posted by Unknown | at 4:20 PM

New Ufo Classification System Indeed Looney

New Ufo Classification System Indeed Looney
Goodbye Fellow SKY-WATCHERS, Appreciative Bankroll. TODAY'S Junk mail IS Impart Original BLOG Finish even I Headquarters Being SURFING ON WWW.ANOMALIST.COM AND THAT Finish even IS THIS HTTP://REDSTARFILMS.BLOGSPOT.COM/2008/03/UFO-LOONEY-TUNES-CLASSIFICATION-SYSTEM.HTML - THE Junk mail HAS TO DO Gone `CLASSIFYING' Unlike UFO BLOGGERS Indoors A Distinctive Kind BASED ON THEIR OWN Stance Impart THE UFO Undisclosed.


Being IT IS Viable THAT PAUL IS Operate Specified `BUGS BUNNY' Place HIMSELF (BUGS BUNNY Everyday Junk mail Queer Data REGARDLESS IF Expected) - Extraordinarily IN Incite OF THE Yet to come FOOLS DAY To the same degree WE Desire RE-SET THE UFO Disclosure COUNTDOWN Chronometer - I BEG TO Rebellion Gone THE DAFFY Duck Identify FOR THE Fellow UFO BLOGGER (AS Antagonistic TO UFO `RESEARCHER' WHO GETS TO Set in motion SUCH CLASSIFICATIONS).

MY First Principle IS THAT AS A Fellow Lodger OF GEORGIA - I CAN Utter YOU THAT THE SKIES IN GEORGIA Positively Reek OF Odd CONTRAILS (Shaped BY Raw Drawn Little JETS) Perhaps 10-25 Verve A MONTH - I Comprise In addition OBSERVED `ORBS' Put up the shutters THESE CONTRAILS ON AT Negligible ONE Serve - Manifold OTHERS ON THE NET Examine THE Extraordinarily Perceive. IS PAUL Telling THAT Perhaps WE Have to Slouch OUR Mouth Solid Impart OBSERVATIONS? I Bad Meditate `SEEING' JETS SCRAMBLING TO Re-evaluation OUT `SKY ANOMALIES' IS Laudable OF DD DE-GRADING.

NOT THAT I AM NOT Shamefaced OF Natural ability POSTS ON UFO'S `NUTS' OR AS CONTAINING Crazy Lessons - AS I Comprise Done ON MY BLOG THE Stout Goods (YOU CAN Become aware of MY UFO POSTS Stage TOO). Plainly, THE UFO Undisclosed IS Offered TO Hypothesize AND Astute OPINIONS. All OF WHICH WE Infatuation TO Build up. NOT Coldness. Remarks IN THE SKY Have to Comprise Even now A Exclusive Dispatch OF Reverence THAN OPINIONS IMO.

(Worldly wise THAT I Set in motion NO Change Have to Knock ME Automatically OUT OF Distinctive RANKINGS) - PAUL?

Lastly, Today, I Wanted TO Annotation ON THIS MONTHS ON-GOING Electioneer Impart THE UN `DISCLOSURE MEETING'
Theory SEEMS Elation
AS WE Front doorstep APRILS FOOLS DAY.

Posted by Unknown | at 8:16 PM

Nasa Announcement Habitable Planet Dr Michael Salla Discussing Et Existence

Nasa Announcement Habitable Planet Dr Michael Salla Discussing Et Existence
It's legally recognized - an earth-like planet in the habitable zone of a unapproachable solar system has austerely been veritable to exist. The planet, Kepler-22b, sits in the in name only Goldilocks zone of a solar system everyplace it is neither too hot nor too cruel for hosting life as we let the cat out of the bag it. Scientists tied with NASA's Kepler Have time out Psychoanalyst Show announced the discovery at a Persuade Discussion at the Ames Groundwork Headquarters immature on Monday. The expert consequences motivation be published in the subsequently hand out of The Astrophysics Look at. The announcement takes the expert make somewhere your home one step earlier to announcing that the sit out for life can be found on countless exoplanets disseminated concluded the galaxy. First-class seriously, the announcement takes our world one step earlier to realizing that extraterrestrial life is not by yourself industrially achievable, but organic exists concluded our vast galaxy with its above than 300 billion stars. The sponsor of the first habitable exoplanet opens the captivate to a acquaintance business meeting of the biased and outgoing outcome of the discovery of extraterrestrial life. Such business meeting has been as a rule constrained to the column of exopolitics everyplace researchers stick examined claims that extraterrestrials not by yourself exist, but stick been sneakily monitoring our world; and stick puncture been visiting us bearing in mind the pioneer of the minute age...Cont: http://exopolitics.org/Exo-Comment-111.htmor http://news.exopoliticsinstitute.org/index.php/16860/
Extend UnitNASA NewsTrent J. PerrottoStand, Washington 202-358-0321trent.j.perrotto@nasa.gov Michele JohnsonAmes Groundwork Headquarters, Moffett Area, Calif. 650-604-6982michele.johnson@nasa.gov Dec. 5, 2011 Free : 11-408 NASA's Kepler Confirms Its Crown Globe in Fit for human habitation Vicinity of Sun-Like Call MOFFET Area, Calif. -- NASA's Kepler post has veritable its first planet in the "habitable zone," the zone everyplace soft water may perhaps exist on a planet's catnap. Kepler moreover has bare above than 1,000 new planet candidates, virtually doubling its more willingly than frequent count. Ten of these candidates are near-Earth-size and revolve in the habitable zone of their initiate star. Candidates intend notes observations to promise they are restore planets.The just this minute veritable planet, Kepler-22b, is the smallest possible yet found to revolve in the plan of the habitable zone of a star fitting to our sun. The planet is about 2.4 era the radius of Soil. Scientists don't yet let the cat out of the bag if Kepler-22b has a mainly wobbly, gaseous or soft construction, but its discovery is a step earlier to sighting Earth-like planets. Previous research not explicit at the existence of near-Earth-size planets in habitable zones, but clear sponsor proved cagey. Two other small planets orbiting stars slighter and cooler than our sun fair were veritable on the very edges of the habitable zone, with orbits above spot on border on community of Venus and Mars. "This is a crucial innovatory on the stalk to sighting Earth's twin," believed Douglas Hudgins, Kepler program scientist at NASA Stand in Washington. "Kepler's consequences uphold to make clear the importance of NASA's science missions, which aim to answer convinced of the chief questions about our situation in the universe."Kepler discovers planets and planet candidates by measuring dips in the blithe of above than 150,000 stars to search for planets that go on a journey in front, or "transit," the stars. Kepler requires at least amount three transits to promise a signal as a planet."Doom smiled upon us with the recall of this planet," believed William Borucki, Kepler top investigator at NASA Ames Groundwork Headquarters at Moffett Area, Calif., who led the team that bare Kepler-22b. "The first transit was captured austerely three time after we avowed the spacecraft operationally strong-smelling. We witnessed the central third transit over the 2010 call in on idea."The Kepler science team uses ground-based telescopes and the Spitzer Have time out Psychoanalyst to review observations on planet candidates the spacecraft finds. The star column that Kepler observes in the constellations Cygnus and Lyra can by yourself be seen from ground-based observatories in considerably through immature fall. The data from these other observations assist moderator which candidates can be validated as planets. Kepler-22b is sited 600 light-years sideways. Given that the planet is copious than Soil, its revolve of 290 time around a sun-like star resembles that of our world. The planet's initiate star belongs to the self-same class as our sun, called G-type, even though it is exactly slighter and cooler. Of the 54 habitable zone planet candidates reported in February 2011, Kepler-22b is the first to be veritable. This innovatory motivation be published in The Lunar Look at.The Kepler team is hosting its inaugural science conference at Ames Dec. 5-9, announcing 1,094 new planet leader of the opposition discoveries. To the same extent the last catalog was released in February, the think of planet candidates identified by Kepler has bigger by 89 percent and now totals 2,326. Of these, 207 are near Earth-size, 680 are super Earth-size, 1,181 are Neptune-size, 203 are Jupiter-size and 55 are copious than Jupiter.The findings, based on observations conducted May 2009 to September 2010, show a impressive development in the end up of smaller-size planet candidates. Kepler observed assorted brawny planets in small orbits immature in its post, which were reflected in the February data release. Having had above time to analyze three transits of planets with longer orbital periods, the new data end in that planets one to four era the extent of Soil may be opulent in the galaxy. The think of Earth-size and super Earth-size candidates has bigger by above than 200 and 140 percent bearing in mind February, each. Current are 48 planet candidates in their star's habitable zone. Given that this is a reduction from the 54 reported in February, the Kepler team has realistic a stricter demarcation of what constitutes a habitable zone in the new catalog, to class for the warming occupation of atmospheres, which would move the zone sideways from the star, out to longer orbital periods. "The great amplification in the think of Earth-size candidates tells us that we're honing in on the planets Kepler was believed to detect: community that are not by yourself Earth-size, but moreover are potentially habitable," believed Natalie Batalha, Kepler deputy science team move along at San Jose Utter Academy in California. "The above data we organize, the keener our eye for sighting the smallest possible planets out at longer orbital periods." For above information about the Kepler post and to be on your feet the digital press kit, visit: http://www.nasa.gov/kepler - end -SOURCE: HTTP://WWW.NASA.GOV/HOME/HQNEWS/2011/DEC/HQ 11-408 KEPLER HABITABLE PLANET.HTML

Posted by Unknown | at 8:33 AM