Japanese Worries Raised As warlike Flying saucer Targets Mars By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western SubscribersRussian Ensure Analysts are reported to be joining Japan's concerns over a series of intangible happenings happening in space which, most likely, suggests that the planet Mars is being 'targeted' by an out of the ordinary alien spacecraft that has been transiting through our Cosmological System undetectable as a comet.According to these reports, Japan's Aerospace Hunt Bureau (JAXA) has kick out cumulative afraid over the latest series of photographs beamed support to them from their lunar explorer KAGUYA, and which it would seem stand comatose a series of 'missile-like' launches from our moons angry side and are on a imprints towards the planet Mars.So responsive stand top Japanese politicians privy to this information kick out that they stand scratched the decades old Worldwide outlawed versus Planet governments mentioning UFO's to the familiar between Japan's boss cubbyhole secretary, Nobutaka Machimura, stating that "UFO's do exist", by means of a news conference this past week.Area continues inside
Reference: anomalies-in-backyard.blogspot.com
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9:40 AM